ugly (adjective) - not pleasant to look at.
uncomfortable (adjective) - not able to feel relaxed in your mind or body; not feeling comfortable.
underground (adjective) - located, living, or taking place beneath the earth's surface.
unfortunately (adverb, sentence modifier) - unluckily
unique (adjective) - being the only one of its type
unite (verb) - to join together as a group, or to make people join together as a group
unreadable (adjective) - not able to be read, as handwriting; illegible
unstable (adjective) - not steady; not securely fixed.
unsuccessful (adjective) - not achieving what was wanted
upper (adjective) - at the top; higher in place, or level.
usually (adverb) - in the way that most often happens. Example: I usually go to school at 9:00.
vandalism (noun) - destruction or damage of property that is done on purpose
variations (noun) - differences, something that is slightly different from the usual form.
vary (verb) - to change from something else, or to be different from other things.
vegetable (noun) - a plant you can eat, examples: potatos, corn and onions.
veil (noun) - a thin piece of cloth worn over the head, shoulders, and face. A veil is used as a decoration, or to hide a person's face.
vertical (adjective) - straight up and down.
veteran (noun) - someone who was in the army or navy during a war
vine (noun) - a plant having a long, thin, woody stem that climbs up a support or creeps along the ground.
violence (noun) - extreme force, when someone tries to hurt or kill someone
virus (noun) - a tiny living thing that lives in other living things and causes diseases
visited (verb) past tense of to visit - to see a place and spend a short time there
vital (adjective) - necessary to life
vitamin (noun) - any of a number of natural or synthetic substances required in human nutrition to regulate metabolism and maintain health
vote (verb) - to show your choice or opinion in an election or meeting
waddle (verb) - walks with short steps while moving from side to side
wag (verb) - to cause to move quickly up and down or from side to side
walrus (noun) - a large marine animal with tusks and whiskers
warm (adjective) - having some heat; not cold
warmer (adjective) - comparative form of warm - not cold, but not hot. Example: I wear a hat to keep my head warm in the winter
waterfall (noun) - a stream of water that falls from a higher place; cascade.
waterway (noun) - a river or canal
weapon (noun) - an object used to attack or defend. Guns are weapons
wee (adjective) - very small or tiny
weigh (verb) - to have a particular amount of weight.
westward (adverb) – towards the west
whip (verb) - to beat eggs or cream.
whipped cream (noun) - cream that has been beaten until it is very thick.
whole (adjective) - as a single thing and not in pieces,
widens (verb) - to become wider
wild (adjective) - something that lives or grows in its natural environment
wind farm - A wind farm is a place where many wind turbines have been built.
wind generated power - electricity that is made using the wind
wing (noun) - a part of the body of some animals that they use for flying. Insects and birds have wings
witch (noun) - a woman who is believed to have magic powers. Witches are more often thought to do evil things than good things
woke up (verb) past tense of wake up - to stop sleeping
wooden (adjective) - made of wood
worry (verb) - to feel fear or anxiety
worth (noun) - the value of a thing
written (verb) past participle of write
wreath (noun) - a ring or circle of flowers or leaves
yeast (noun) - tiny, single cells of certain fungi that are used to make bread, alcohol, and some medicines
yolk (noun) - the yellow or orange part of an egg
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