Words Used on this Blog ..........C


calendar (noun) - the days, weeks, and months of a year

camera (noun) - a device for making photographs

campaign (noun) – set of actions designed to achieve a result

campaign (verb) - to organize a series of activities to try to achieve something

candies (noun) plural of candy - a sweet food made of sugar, or some other sweet substance, and flavors such as chocolate.

capital (noun) - the city where the central government of a nation or state is located. Example: The capital of France is Paris

capture (verb) - to put into a lasting form; preserve

caramel (noun) - sugar that is heated until it melts and turns brown. Caramel is used to color and flavour foods

cardboard (noun) - a stiff material made of layers of paper. Boxes and signs are made of cardboard

card (noun) - a small, thick piece of paper used for sending a message to another person (also called a greeting card)

careful(adjective) - giving a lot of attention to what you are doing so you don’t make a mistake

cargo (noun) - the goods carried by a ship, airplane, or other vehicle

carrying (verb) present participle of to carry - to hold and take from one place to another.

carry out (phrasal verb) - to accomplish, to do

carve (verb) - to slice or cut into pieces. If you carve a face on a pumpkin, you cut out pieces of the pumpkin in the shape of a mouth, nose, etc

cashier (noun) – someone whose job it is to take the money when you buy something

cathedral (noun) - a large and important church

caught - verb, past tense of catch 

causes (verb) - to make something happen

celebrate (verb) - to do something enjoyable because it is a special day

cell (noun) - a single unit of animal life or plant life. The human body is made of many kinds of cells.

cemeteries (noun) plural of cemetery - a graveyard, a place for burying the dead

census (noun) - an official count of the people who live in a country or other area. A census is also used to collect information about these people, such as their job, age, or sex

cent (noun) - 1/100 of a dollar. A dollar = 100 cents.

centuries (noun) plural of century – a period of one hundred years

ceremonial (adjective) - relating to a ceremony

ceremonies (noun) plural of ceremony - an event that is performed on an important occasion

chair (noun) - a piece of furniture for one person to sit on. A chair has four legs, a back, and sometimes arms.

character (noun) - a person in a story, play, or movie

characteristic (noun) - a noticeable quality of someone or something

cheaper (adjective) comparative form of cheap - having a low price

check (verb) - to look at something to find information

chew (verb) - to crush food between your teeth

citizenship (noun) - the rights of being a citizen.

cleaner (adjective) comparative form of clean - not dirty

clean up (phrasal verb) - to make a place (or person) clean and tidy

clear (verb) - to remove

climate (noun) - the usual weather conditions in a place.

clothing (noun) - clothes like shirts and pants that you wear

coast (noun) - the land beside the sea

code (noun) – a set of letter, numbers or symbols that are used instead of words

collection (noun) - 1. when something is taken away from a place, such as garbage collection

collection (noun) - 2. a group of objects of the same type that are in one place. Example: She had a collection of coins the she kept in a special box.

collided (verb) past tense of to collide - to strike or bump into one another with force

column (noun) - a section that runs down a page, not across.

combined (verb) - added together

common (adjective) - usual; easy to find

communities (noun) plural of community - the people living in a particular area

community centres (noun) - a place where people who live in an area can meet together to play sport, go to classes, etc

competition (noun) - an event where people try to win a prize by being the best or the fastest

complain (verb) - to say that something is wrong or that you are annoyed about something

completed (verb) past tense of to complete - to finish

complex (adjective) - not simple, complicated

complicated (adjective) – difficult. Example: The instructions were too complicated for me to understand.

concrete (noun) - a hard, strong building material. Bridges and sidewalks are often made from concrete

Confederation (noun) – Canadian Confederation was the formation of the Dominion of Canada on 1 July
1867. This is the day that Canada became an independent country.

conference (noun) - a meeting of people who have the same job or similar interests. The purpose of the meeting is to share information and opinions.

connected (verb) past tense of to connect - to join two things or two places together. Example: A cable connects my printer to my computer.

consists of (phrasal verb) - to be made from, or to be made from two or more things

constantly (adverb) - always, continually

constitution (noun) - the system of basic laws that govern a nation, state, or other organization

construction (noun) - the work of building a house, offices, bridge, etc

contact (noun) - when two people or two things touch.

contain (verb) – The bag contains flo ur means that the bag has flour inside it

continue (verb) – to keep happening, or to keep doing

cook (verb) - to prepare food for eating by using heat

cool (adjective) - slightly cold but not too cold

cooler (adjective) comparative form of cool - slightly cold but not too cold

copyright (noun) - the exclusive legal right to make copies of, distribute, or perform all or part of a published or recorded work for a certain extended period of time

core (noun) - the hard middle part of some fruits, it contains the seeds

correct (adjective) - the right answer

cost (noun) - the price to buy something, or how much money is needed to buy something

couch (noun) - furniture to sit on

cough (verb) - to push out air and other substances from the lungs, making a noise in the throat. People cough because of illness or when they breathe in something such as smoke or dust

council (noun) – a group of people

covers (noun) - the blankets on your bed are your covers

covers (verb) - to form a layer on the surface of something

crack (noun) - a break in something.

crack (verb) - to break, but not into separate piece s

creamy (adjective) - having the taste, color, or texture of cream. (smooth)

create (verb) - to make, to bring into being

creek (noun) – narrow river

crew (noun) – the people who work on a ship, airplane or train

criminal (adjective) - 1. relating to crime. 2. a person who is guilty of a crime.    If you have a criminal record you have been caught doing a crime and you might have been in jail.

crisp (adjective) - a little bit hard, pleasantly hard, not soft

crooked (adjective) - bent, curved,

crossed (verb) past tense of to cross - to move across something from one side to the other.

crunch (verb) - to make a noise by eating hard or crisp food

crush (verb) - make smaller or flatter by pounding or pressing

crystal (noun) - a piece of something that is solid and has a regular shape

crystalline (adjective) - something with the shape of a crystal

cub (noun) – young bear

culture (noun) - the habits, traditions, beliefs of a group of people

Cupid (noun) - the god of love in Roman mythology

curved (adjective) -to have a round, bent shape.

cutest (adjective) superlative form of cute - pleasant or nice, especially of someone young or something small

cycle (noun) - group of events that repeat at regular times

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