An Evening Out (simple past, past continuous)

An Evening Out (simple past, past continuous)

Last night I went to Nathan Phillips Square at City Hall in Toronto. It was a beautiful summer evening. It was warm and sunny. Lots of people were there because of the Pan Am games celebrations. I stood and watched the crowd.
Many people were sitting by the water. Some people were talking with friends or family. Lots of people were taking pictures.
A band was playing music on the stage. People were standing by the stage. They were listening to the music. Others were watching the performance on large video screens.
Everyone was enjoying the summer evening.

Vocabulary help:

  • band (noun) - a group of people that play music together
  • celebrate (verb) - to do something enjoyable because it is a special day
  • celebration (noun) - a party or other special event that you have for an important occasion
  • perform (verb) - to act in a play or to do something in front of other people
  • performance (noun) - entertainment shown to an audience such as actors in a play or people making music
  • screen (noun) - the broad, flat surface on which you see images. Televisions and computers have screens.
  • stage (noun) - a raised platform in a theater or other place, where a performance takes place
  • stood (verb) - past tense, to stand
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