Words Used on this Blog ................ G and H

G and H

gave up (phrasal verb) – past tense of give up - to stop
gem (noun) - a valuable stone, especially one that has been cut to be used in jewellery
gene (noun) - a tiny section of a chromosome. A gene causes a particular characteristic, such as eye color or hair color, to be passed on from parent to child.
generate (verb) - to make.
give up (phrasal verb) - to stop or to admit defeat
glacier (noun) - a large mass of ice formed in cold regions from compacted snow and very slowly moving down a slope or across land.
glisten (verb) - shines, often because it is wet
glittering (verb) present participle of to glitter - to shine brightly; sparkle
glow (verb) - to shine with bright light from being very hot
glue (noun) - a substance used to stick things together
glued (verb) past tense of to glue - to stick to something
goal (noun) – aim, or what you want to do successfully in the future . Example: Our goal is to learn English
golden (adjective) - 1. having a shiny, deep yellow color. 2. made of gold
gondola (noun) - an enclosed structure suspended from a cable, used for carrying passengers
good luck charm (noun) – something that brings good luck
government (noun) - the official group of people who run the country
governor general (noun) - representative of the Crown in a constitutional monarchy (in Canada, a representative of the Queen)
graduate (verb) - to successfully finish school or college
grandchildren (noun) plural of grandchild - the child of one's son or daughter
grandfather (noun) - the father of a person's mother or father
greedy (adjective) - having a very strong desire for ever more money or things
grew up (phrasal verb) past tense of grow up - to become an adult
grey (adjective) - a colour that is a mix of black and white.
grid (noun) - parallel horizontal and vertical lines that cross each other to form squares of equal size.
grind (verb) - to crush into very small pieces or a powder.
groan (verb) - to make a long low sound when expressing pain or unhappiness
grocery (adjective) - having to do with food products and supplies for the home as they are grouped together for sale.
ground (noun) - the surface of the Earth
grown (verb) past participle of grow - to develop, to increase, to get bigger
guest (noun) - someone who comes to visit you in your home
gums (noun) - the flesh and connective tissue covering that part of the jawbone in which the teeth are set.
habitual (adjective) - usual or typical.  An habitual action is something that you do often.
half - one half = ½
handles (noun) - a part of something that use to hold it or open it, example: Turn the door handle to open the door.
harbour (noun) - a safe area of water where people can leave their boats
hardens (verb) – becomes hard
hardy (adjective) - strong enough to deal with bad conditions or difficult situations.
harm (verb) – to hurt or damage
hatches (verb) plural of to hatch - If an egg hatches, it is broken open by the baby creature being born
healthy (adjective) - 1. You are healthy if you are physically well, not sick.  2. having to do with a good mind and body
herb (noun) - a plant used in cooking to add flavour to food or drink
herbal (adjective) - relating to herbs
herd (noun) - any group of animals that feed and travel together
hexagon (noun) - a shape with 6 sides
hexagonal (adjective) - with 6 sides
hibernate (verb) - to sleep through the winter in a den or burrow to save energy. Bears, snakes, and certain other animals hibernate
hidden, past participle of the verb to hide - Something is hidden if it is in a place where you can’t see it.
hike (verb) - to take a long walk in the country for fun or exercise
hold (verb) - to contain within a particular space
holiday (noun) - a day or period of freedom from work or school; time off
hollow (adjecive) – Something is hollow if there is nothing inside it.
homework (noun) - schoolwork that is to be done at home rather than at school
honour (verb) - To honour is to show great respect for someone or something.
hop (verb) - to move by jumping
horizontal (adjective) - level and flat, or parallel to the ground or the bottom of the page
horrible (adjective) – very bad or very unpleasant
horseback (adjective) - on the back of a horse
host (noun) - someone who organizes a party and invites the guests
host (verb) - to act as the host of an event or party
hotel (noun) - a place with many rooms and beds where people pay money to sleep and eat meals
hungry (adjective) - feeling a need or want for food.
hurt (verb) - to cause pain or harm to


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