Words Used on this Blog ........ F


fable (noun) - short traditional story used to show people how to behave
factories (noun) plural of factory - a building or set of buildings where products are made by.
famous (adjective) - known or recognized by many people
farmland (noun) - an area of land for growing crops
fatal (adjective) - leads to death
favorite (adjective) - what is liked most, your favorite food is the food that you like best
feast (noun) - A large meal with many different types of foods
feature (noun) a distinctive property, characteristic, or quality
federal (adjective) - 1.  relating to the central government (or the government of the whole country)   2. having to do with a system of government that unites several states under a central government.
ferment (verb) - to undergo the chemical change of fermentation.
fermentation (noun) - the chemical change of a sugar into alcohol. Fermentation produces gas bubbles.
festival (noun) - a special time when people celebrate something
fill (verb) - to make full
film (noun) - a thin piece of material that is covered with a substance that changes in the light to make photographs and movies.
final (adjective) - last, ending
financial (adjective) - relating to money or how money is managed.
fined (verb) past tense of to fine - to charge someone an amount of money as punishment for breaking a rule or law.
fix up (phrasal verb) - to repair, to make something better
flag (noun) - a piece of cloth with special colors and designs used as a symbol of a country or organization.
flat (adjective) - thin and smooth and level
flattened (verb) past tense of to flatten - to make flat
flavour (noun) - the particular taste of a food or drink
flavoured (adjective) - having had a flavour added to it
flaw (noun) - a mistake or bad characteristic that stops something or someone from being perfect
flawless (adjective) - has no flaws
flesh (noun) - the part of a fruit or vegetable that you eat
flexible (adjective) - able to bend without breaking
flicker (verb) - to burn or shine in an unsteady way
float (verb) - stays on the surface of a liquid, does not sink
flow (verb) - to move in a smooth, steady stream
fog (noun) - a cloud that is near to the ground
forest (noun) - a large area of land covered with many trees and other plants.
fortieth - 40th
fortification (noun) - something that adds strength or fortifies
forty - 40
fought (verb) past form of to fight - to take part in war, or to use physical force to defeat someone.
founded (verb) past tense of to found - to set up or create; establish
founding (noun) – The date that Nunavut was founded means the date that Nunavut became a terrritory. To mark the founding of Nunavut means to celebrate the fact that Nunavut became a territory. Nunavut became a territory in 1999.
fountain (noun) - a structure that forces water up into the air as decoration
freckle (noun) - a light brown dot or mark in the skin, often brought out by exposure to sunlight.
freeze (verb) - to make into ice because of cold temperatures
froze (verb) past tense of to freeze – to turn from a liquid to a solid. When water freezes it becomes ice
frozen (adjective) - very cold, Examples: Ice is frozen water.   You can buy frozen foods at the grocery store.
fruit (noun) - the part of a plant that has seeds and flesh. Most fruits that people eat are sweet. Examples: strawberry, cherry, lemon, apple
fun (noun) - something that amuses, entertains, or pleases.
fungus (noun) - a kind of living thing that is similar to a plant but that cannot make its own food. Some kinds of fungus are mushrooms and mold.
furious (adjective) - very angry
furniture (noun) - objects such as chairs, tables, and beds used to fill a living area
furry (adjective) - covered with fur

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