My Childhood

My Childhood

I would like to talk about some interesting experiences during my childhood. In this opportunity my tale begins since I have got 7 years old, when I started to study and share with my friends and neighbors.

First at all, I used to get up at 6.00 a.m. because I studied in the morning. Before me leaving to school I had my breakfast every day. I still have it before leaving to my office, it’s very healthy. In the afternoon after I had finished my homework and helping my mother I used to share with my friends in the neighborhood.

We enjoyed several kind of game as a hiding to each other, talking and sing our favorite songs and watch the Soup Opera together. One of the game we enjoyed most was to take the shower under the raining, for it we to put on our swimming dress, then we looked for each other in our houses, we ran around the yard while raining was falling, we enjoyed it very much.

On the other hand I remember very well a frightening thing, I was ironing clothes when I suddenly felt a big noise like a train in movement into my house. I think it lasted 5 minutes more or less. When everything had got quite, everybody got out the house yelling and crying under a big panic; one lady told in aloud voice: “It was an earthquake, please do not get into house yet”. It is the only one that I have lived in all my life.

I have a lot interesting thinks to tell about my childhood, it will take a long writing, I choose two of them. I hope they haven been enjoyable.

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