Words Used on this Blog ........... M, N & O

made (verb) - past tense of to make
made up of (verb) – contain. Example: Paragraphs are made up of many sentences
mail (verb) - to use the postal service to send a letter or package to someone
maintain (verb) - to keep in good condition
major (adjective) - important
male (adjective) - A male runner is a runner who is a man.
mango (noun) - a tropical fruit that has a green skin and is orange inside
marine (adjective) - found in the sea, or has something to do with the sea
mark (verb) – If you mark an event, you do something to celebrate it.
match (noun) - game or sports competition
matching (verb) present participle of to match - to bring things together because they are the same
mate (verb) - to come together to produce babies.
math (noun) - the short form of mathematics
meal (noun) - when you eat, or the food that you eat at that time.  Example: Lunch is a meal that we eat in the middle of the day.
meaningful (adjective) - 1. useful, important 2. having a clear purpose that people can understand
measure (verb) - to find the amount of something
medical (adjective) - relating to medicine, such as a medical student, or a medical treatment
melt (verb) - to turn into liquid. Example: When it is warm, ice melts to become water
melted (verb) past tense of to melt
memorial (noun) - [as in war memorial] an object built to help people remember an important person or event
memorial (adjective) - [as in memorial service or ceremony] A memorial ceremony is a ceremony in remembrance of someone or some event.
memories (noun) plural of memory - an experience, person, or thing that one remembers
mess (noun) - a state of being dirty or not neat.
message (noun) – information or idea
messenger (noun) – a person who passes messages (information) from one place to another
messy (adjective) - not neat; in a mess
met (verb) - past tense of to meet - to come together by plan or by chance. If a group of people meet, they come to a place in order to do something.
mid – in the middle of
might be – may be
military (adjective) - relating to the army, navy or air force such as a military airplane
military (noun) - The military is a country's army, navy and air force. 
millennium (noun) – a period of 1000 years. The change from the year 1999 to the year 2000 became known as the Millenium.
million - one million = 1,000,000
mine (verb) - to dig out of the ground
mined (verb) - past tense of to mine.
mineral (noun) - a valuable or useful substance that is usually dug out of the ground
miserable (adjective) - sad, unhappy, unpleasant
mitt (noun) - a mitten. A type of glove with a single part for all the fingers except the thumb which is in a separate part.
mixture (noun) - when you have two or more ingredients added together
moccasin (noun) - a soft leather shoe or slipper without a heel. Moccasins were first made and worn by American Indians
modern-day (adjective) - relating to current or recent times, modern
monarch (noun) - one who reigns over a country or territory, example - a king or queen
monarchy (noun) - a nation or government ruled by or in the name of a monarch. A monarch's power is either unlimited or limited by a constitution.
mostly (adverb) - for the greater part, almost all
mould (noun) (also spelled mold) – a container that is used to make something in a particular shape
mountainous (adjective) - has lots of mountains
mug (noun) - a large, heavy cup with a handle, often used for hot drinks
munch (verb) - to eat something in a noisy way
municipal (adjective) – belonging to a city or town
municipality (noun) – usually means a town, or a city
mush (noun) - a thick, soft substance
mushroom (noun) - a kind of fungus with a stem and a cap. Some mushrooms can be eaten as a vegetable and others are poisonous.
mutiny (noun) – when a group of people (usually sailors or soldiers) refuse to obey orders
myth (noun) - ancient story, usually about gods or brave people  or a story or group of stories that form part of the traditional knowledge of a society. Myths often use imaginative plots and characters to explain how the world began and why nature and people behave the way they do.
mythology (noun) – myths, or collection of myths from a culture
narwhal (noun) - a type of whale that lives in the Arctic
nasty (adjective) - bad, unkind, angry
native (adjective) - If a plant is native to a place, that is where it grew originally
naturally occurring (expression) - occurs in nature, not man made
naval (adjective) - of the navy
navigate (verb) - successfully sail (or go by boat) along a waterway
nearby (adjective) - located close at hand; not far away
nectar (noun) - the sweet liquid a plant makes that attracts insects and birds. Bees use nectar to make honey.
nice (adjective) - enjoyable; pleasant
noise (noun) - a sound.
Norse (adjective) – belonging to Norway or its people, language or culture. It can also refer to medieval Scandinavia . Medieval means in the years 500 to 1500.
northern (adjective) - in the north, or from the north.  Example: The Yukon is in the northern part of Canada.
nuisance (noun) - a person or thing that annoys
Nunavut (noun) – one of the three territories in Canada   see map
nursery rhyme (noun) - a simple traditional song or poem for children
nut (noun) - a large seed that people or animals can eat that grows in a hard shell. Example: peanut, cashew, walnut
occasion (noun) - a time when something happens. Example: We met on several occasions
occur (verb) - to happen,
ocean (noun) - a part of the large body of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface
OHIP = Ontario Health Insurance Program
olive (noun) - a small fruit with green or black skin. Olives grow on trees and are used to make oil for cooking
one third = 1/3
on foot – walk
onion (noun) - a round vegetable with a sharp taste and smell. Onions grow under the ground
online (adjective) - connected to a computer or computer network
onto (preposition) - to a position on or on top of.
oregano (noun) - a plant related to mint and marjoram that is dried and used as a seasoning
original (adjective) - first, existing since the beginning
other than - except, or not including a particular thing
oven (noun) - a piece of equipment that you cook food in. An oven has a large metal box with a door.
overlooking (verb) - to have a view of something from above
oxygen (noun) - a gas that is part of air. It has no color or smell. Most living things need oxygen to live.

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