English Grammar for Speaking

These are 100 of the most common English sentences. If you can say them perfectly, you will be able to use thousands of similar sentences when you speak English. Make these sentence a habit and your English conversations will be easier and more interesting.
Practice the sample sentences first. Repeat each one several times. Later, go back and learn more examples that you can use in your every day speaking. 

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Sentence Patterns to Help You Speak English Fluently!...10

Grammar Pattern 10: Questions with "Which" 
(This is a good pattern when you want to know your speaking partner's choice or what he/she likes. After you hear your partner's answer, you can ask another question to "follow up". Have fun!)Model Sentence
Which do you like better, fish or meat

Pronunciation Practice - Repeat each question out loud!
1. Which do you like more, TV or movies?
2. Which do you prefer, bread or rice?
3. Which season is your favorite?
4. Which time of the year is best in your hometown?
5. Which is more interesting, watching sports or playing sports?
Conversation Practice - Ask these questions to your friends!
1. Which sport is your favorite?
2. Which job is best for you?
3. Which sound in English is hardest for you to make?
4. Which do you like more, reading books or listening to music?
5. Which did you enjoy more, your high school days or your elementary school days?
Discussion Practice - Give longer answers to these questions.
1. Which is more important to you, being rich or being happy?
2. Which do you think is more dangerous, eating too much or driving too fast?

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Sentence Patterns to Help You Speak English Fluently!...09

Grammar Pattern 9: "Have you ever...?" 
(This is one of the best ways to start interesting conversations in English! Learn them well, listen for your speaking partner's answer. Finally ask follow-up questions to keep on talking on any topic in English.)Model Sentence
Have you ever been to China

Pronunciation Practice - Repeat each question out loud!
1. Have you been to California?
2. Have you seen any good movies recently?
3. Have you ever seen a ghost?
4. Has your sisters seen your new car?
5. Has English become easier or more difficult for you?
6. Has your hometown changed a lot in the past ten years?
Conversation Practice - Ask these questions to your friends!
1. Have you read any good books this year?
2. Have you travelled somewhere interesting in your life?
3. Have you ever tried a dangerous sport?
4. Have you studied a foreign language other then English?
5. Has anyone told you an interesting story recently?
Discussion – Give longer answers to these questions.
1. Would you enjoy flying an airplane by yourself?
2. Could we have a cheap electric car in the future?
3. Should cloning (making a "copy" of people!) be allowed in the future?
4. What should people do to make our world cleaner?
5. How could we make a million dollars in a short time?
6. Where should we put all of the world's garbage?

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Sentence Patterns to Help You Speak English Fluently!...08

Grammar Pattern 8: Conditional Questions 
(These questions use "would" and "could" but they are NOT polite questions! Instead, they are questions about "possibilities". These questions are VERY good for starting interesting conversations.)Model Sentence
Would you like to travel to the moon some day

Pronunciation Practice - Repeat each question out loud!
1. Would you like to visit London? (Yes, I would. / No, I wouldn't.)
2. Could you take a train to work next week? (Yes, we could. / No, we couldn't.)
3. Should we study this for the test? (Yes, you should. / No, you shouldn't.)
4. Would you have studied harder as a student? [If you had another chance.] (Yes, I would have. / No, I wouldn't have.)
5. Could you have found a better way? (Yes, I could have. / No, I couldn't have.
6. Should you have asked for help before the test? (Yes, we should have. / No, we shouldn't have.)
Conversation Practice - Ask these questions to your friends!
1. Would you like to travel in space?
2. Would you like to visit the moon?
3. Could a lion beat an alligator in a fight?
4. Could a time machine be built in the future?
5. Should we spend more time at work or with our families?
6. Should we give money to poor people on the streets?
Discussion – Give longer answers to these questions.
1. Would you enjoy flying an airplane by yourself?
2. Could we have a cheap electric car in the future?
3. Should cloning (making a "copy" of people!) be allowed in the future?
4. What should people do to make our world cleaner?
5. How could we make a million dollars in a short time?
6. Where should we put all of the world's garbage?
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Sentence Patterns to Help You Speak English Fluently!...07

Grammar Pattern 7: Longer Polite Questions 
(Use these sentences only in special situations.
They are not so useful for conversations.)Model Sentence
Would you like to go out for a drink after work

Pronunciation Practice - Repeat each question out loud!
1. Would you like to get together for a drink tonight?
2. Would you come to our home for dinner Friday night?
3. Would you mind bringing some books to our meeting tomorrow?
4. Could you come to work a little early this week?
5. Could you reserve a seat for me on Wednesday evening?
6. Could you take some time to look at my report?
7. May I ask what you are doing about our problem?
8. May I know what you are planning to do next?
Conversation Practice - There are no conversations for "Polite Questions". Please go to Pattern 8!

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Sentence Patterns to Help You Speak English Fluently!...06

Grammar Pattern 6: Simple Polite Questions 
(Use these sentences only in special situations.
They are not so useful for conversations.)Model Sentence
Would you like to have some coffee

Pronunciation Practice - Repeat each question out loud!
1. Would you like some tea?
2. Would you come here for a moment?
3. What do you want to eat for lunch?
4. What do you want to drink?
5. Could you tell me your name?
6. Could you help me move this?
7. May I sit here?
8. May we come in?

Conversation Practice - There are no conversations for "Polite Questions". Please go to Pattern 7!

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Sentence Patterns to Help You Speak English Fluently!...05

Grammar Pattern 5: Tag QuestionsModel Sentence
This is a good book, isn't it

Pronunciation Practice - Repeat each question and answer out loud!
1. This book is mine, isn't it? ("Yes it is." / "No it isn't.")
2. That car is yours, isn't that right? ("Yes that's right" / "Yes it's mine" / "No it's not mine")
3. This house is theirs, isn't it? ("Yes it is" / "No it isn't")
4. This phone number is hers, isn't it? ("Yes it is"/"Yes that's right"/"No it isn't")
5. You are from London, aren't you? ("Yes I am" / "No I'm not")
6. We have enough time, don't we? ("Yes we do" / "No we don't!")
7. You can speak German, can't you? ("Yes I can" / "No I can't")
8. They will come tomorrow, won't they? ("Yes they will" / "No they won't")

Conversation Practice - Ask these questions to your friends!
1. You can understand English well, can't you?
2. Learning sentence patterns is good practice, isn't it?
3. We should listen to English more, shouldn't we?
4. Your job is interesting, isn't it?
5. If we keep trying, we'll surely succeed, won't we?
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Sentence Patterns to Help You Speak English Fluently!...04

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Sentence Patterns to Help You Speak English Fluently!...03

Grammar Pattern 3: Basic "How" QuestionsModel Sentence:
How do you study English now

Pronunciation Practice - Repeat each question out loud!
1. How do you go to work every day?
2. How old are you?
3. How tall are you?
4. How can I buy a ticket?
5. How do you feel this afternoon?
6. How is your stomach?
7. How are your parents doing?
8. How is your new job going?
9. How often do you go to the movies?

Conversation Practice - Ask these questions to your friends!
1. How do you like your job? (I like it a lot. Or I don't like it very much.)
2. How are you feeling today? (I'm feeling better than yesterday.)
3. How is the weather today? (It's warm and sunny – a beautiful day!)
4. How fast can you run? (I can't run very fast! Or I can run pretty fast.)
5. How often do you study English? (I often study. / I study every day. / I don't study very often. / I frequently study. / I rarely study.)

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Sentence Patterns to Help You Speak English Fluently!...02

Grammar Pattern 2: W Questions 
["W" word + part of "Yes/No" Question]Model Sentence:

What languages can you speak?

Pronunciation Practice - Repeat each question and answer out loud! 
1. What / is your name? (My name is ~ .)
2. What / can you / do well? (I can ~ very well.)
3. Where / are you from? (I am from ~ .)
4. Where / will you go / tomorrow? (I will go to ~ .)
5. When / did you / wake up / this morning? (I woke up at ~ o'clock.)
6. When is your birthday? (My birthday is in ~ .)
7. Who is your favorite singer? (My favorite singer is ~ .)
8. Who will come with us? ( ~ and ~ will come with us.)
9. Why are you studying English now? (I am studying English because ~ . )
10. Why were they so happy? (They were so happy because ~ .) 

Conversation Practice - Ask these questions to your friends! 
1. What do you like to do in your free time?
2. What will you eat for dinner tonight?
3. Where do you buy fruits and vegetables?
4. Where is the best place to visit in winter?
5. Who was your favorite teacher in school?
6. Who is the most popular singer in your country?
7. When was your last vacation? (My last vacation was in ~ .)
8. When do you prefer to study, in the morning or in the evening?
9. Why are you sleeping so late? (I'm sleeping so late because...)
10. Why are you walking to your school? (I'm walking because...) 

Discussions - Give longer answers to these questions. 
1. What is the most exciting movie you have ever seen?
2. When is the coldest weather in your hometown?
3. Where do you like to go on a warm summer's day?
4. Who do you like to talk to when you have a problem?
5. Why do you want to learn English? 

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Sentence Patterns to Help You Speak English Fluently!...01

Grammar Pattern 1: Yes/No Questions
[Note: Use the first question word in your answer!]

Pronunciation Practice - Repeat each question and answer out loud!
1. Do you have a pet? Yes, we do. / No, we don't.
2. Does she like to study? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.
3. Did you see it? Yes, we did. / No, we didn't.
4. Can you speak English well? Yes, we can. / No, we can't.
5. Is she from here? Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.
6. Are you from a big city? Yes, we are. / No, we aren't.
7. Are they going to come? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.
8. Will you go with us? Yes, we will. / No, we won't.
9. Were you at home last night? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn't.

Conversation Practice - Ask these questions to your friends!

1. Do you speak English well? (Yes I do. / No I don't.) 2. Do you speak another language well?
3. Does your sister like pizza? (Yes she does. / No she doesn't.)
4. Does your friend like to eat pizza?
5. Do you have a brother or sister?
6. Does your father work in an office?
7. Can you play the guitar? (Yes I can. / No I can't.)
8. Can you drive a car?
9. Can your father drive a car?
10. Can you answer these questions easily?
11. Can French people speak French?
12. Is your friend a good singer? (Yes he is./Yes she is./No he isn't./No she isn't.)
13. Is today Friday?
14. Are you a good student? (Yes I am. / No I am not. / No I'm not.)
15. Are your friends tall?
16. Is your mother going to work today? (Yes, she is./No she is not./No she isn't.)
17. Is your dog big?
18. Are you going to stay home tonight? (Yes, I am. / No I am not. / No I'm not.)
19. Are you going to travel this year?
20. Will you practice all of these questions? (Yes I will. / No I won't.)
21. Will your friend help you study English?
22. Was yesterday Thursday? (Yes it was. / No it was not. / No it wasn't.)
23. Was your test difficult?
24. Were your parents from the same town or city? (Yes they were./No they weren't.)
25. Were your teachers helpful to you?



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IELTS with Liz




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ESL/EFL Grammar

ESL/EFL Grammar                                                                                                        
Reading, Listening, grammar, and speaking are all important. In this section you will get an idea how grammar can help improve your English and ESL. Grammar is very important and by understanding it you can speak, listen, and write better and properly. You can start by practicing easy and basic grammar links and books, below you can choose some great links that can help you improve your grammar. Also you can find quizzes and tests online. You can start with beginner grammar books. You can start learning the past and the present. Also the irregular verbs, pronouns, and the verb to be.


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Future Plan

My name is Rivozanov. I have a lot of dreams. When I was a kid my dream is to be a pilot, and as the time goes by, I have other dreams, sometimes, I want to be a president, an army, doctor and other interesting dreams. But now I have grown up, now I know what I want to be. Now, i almost finish my studies in university. I will obtain Bachelor of Science Information. After I graduate, I want to work in one of the biggest oil company such as Chevron, Petronas, Exxon, etc. I want to be the staff manager or manager at least. I prefer working offshore because it gives me challenge to work over there plus they will pay me higher than work in the office. All of this is just the beginning of my dreams. After I work for 4 or 5 years, i will have a lot of money by that time, i will quit my job and start a business. I will buy 3 or 4 shops and run my shops and have another business such as futsal court or restaurant and anything that have a good prospect. By that way I will make more money comparing than I work in the company. After I run my business, I am going to marry a beautiful woman. I will start to make a family and planned to have 2 children which are a boy and a girl. I will live in a big house which having a garden outside or maybe a pool so my children can play inside my yard because, if my children play outside, it will be a little risky. I just don’t want anything bad to happen to my family. And maybe if I have spare money, I want to take my family to Makkah for ’umrah’ or ‘hajji’. I think that is all I can say about my dreams. It is just a simple dream for a simple man like me.

Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) : http://ow.ly/KNICZ
My name is Rivozanov. I have a lot of dreams. When I was a kid my dream is to be a pilot, and as the time goes by, I have other dreams, sometimes, I want to be a president, an army, doctor and other interesting dreams. But now I have grown up, now I know what I want to be. Now, i almost finish my studies in university. I will obtain Bachelor of Science Information. After I graduate, I want to work in one of the biggest oil company such as Chevron, Petronas, Exxon, etc. I want to be the staff manager or manager at least. I prefer working offshore because it gives me challenge to work over there plus they will pay me higher than work in the office. All of this is just the beginning of my dreams. After I work for 4 or 5 years, i will have a lot of money by that time, i will quit my job and start a business. I will buy 3 or 4 shops and run my shops and have another business such as futsal court or restaurant and anything that have a good prospect. By that way I will make more money comparing than I work in the company. After I run my business, I am going to marry a beautiful woman. I will start to make a family and planned to have 2 children which are a boy and a girl. I will live in a big house which having a garden outside or maybe a pool so my children can play inside my yard because, if my children play outside, it will be a little risky. I just don’t want anything bad to happen to my family. And maybe if I have spare money, I want to take my family to Makkah for ’umrah’ or ‘hajji’. I think that is all I can say about my dreams. It is just a simple dream for a simple man like me.

Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) : http://ow.ly/KNICZ
My name is Rivozanov. I have a lot of dreams. When I was a kid my dream is to be a pilot, and as the time goes by, I have other dreams, sometimes, I want to be a president, an army, doctor and other interesting dreams. But now I have grown up, now I know what I want to be. Now, i almost finish my studies in university. I will obtain Bachelor of Science Information. After I graduate, I want to work in one of the biggest oil company such as Chevron, Petronas, Exxon, etc. I want to be the staff manager or manager at least. I prefer working offshore because it gives me challenge to work over there plus they will pay me higher than work in the office. All of this is just the beginning of my dreams. After I work for 4 or 5 years, i will have a lot of money by that time, i will quit my job and start a business. I will buy 3 or 4 shops and run my shops and have another business such as futsal court or restaurant and anything that have a good prospect. By that way I will make more money comparing than I work in the company. After I run my business, I am going to marry a beautiful woman. I will start to make a family and planned to have 2 children which are a boy and a girl. I will live in a big house which having a garden outside or maybe a pool so my children can play inside my yard because, if my children play outside, it will be a little risky. I just don’t want anything bad to happen to my family. And maybe if I have spare money, I want to take my family to Makkah for ’umrah’ or ‘hajji’. I think that is all I can say about my dreams. It is just a simple dream for a simple man like me.

Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) : http://ow.ly/KNICZ
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Words Used on this Blog ................ U, V, W &Y

ugly (adjective) - not pleasant to look at.
uncomfortable (adjective) - not able to feel relaxed in your mind or body; not feeling comfortable.
underground (adjective) - located, living, or taking place beneath the earth's surface.
unfortunately (adverb, sentence modifier) - unluckily
unique (adjective) - being the only one of its type
unite (verb) - to join together as a group, or to make people join together as a group
unreadable (adjective) - not able to be read, as handwriting; illegible
unstable (adjective) - not steady; not securely fixed.
unsuccessful (adjective) - not achieving what was wanted
upper (adjective) - at the top; higher in place, or level.
usually (adverb) - in the way that most often happens. Example: I usually go to school at 9:00.
vandalism (noun) - destruction or damage of property that is done on purpose
variations (noun) - differences, something that is slightly different from the usual form.
vary (verb) - to change from something else, or to be different from other things.
vegetable (noun) - a plant you can eat, examples: potatos, corn and onions.
veil (noun) - a thin piece of cloth worn over the head, shoulders, and face. A veil is used as a decoration, or to hide a person's face.
vertical (adjective) - straight up and down.
veteran (noun) - someone who was in the army or navy during a war
vine (noun) - a plant having a long, thin, woody stem that climbs up a support or creeps along the ground.
violence (noun) - extreme force, when someone tries to hurt or kill someone
virus (noun) - a tiny living thing that lives in other living things and causes diseases
visited (verb) past tense of to visit - to see a place and spend a short time there
vital (adjective) - necessary to life
vitamin (noun) - any of a number of natural or synthetic substances required in human nutrition to regulate metabolism and maintain health
vote (verb) - to show your choice or opinion in an election or meeting
waddle (verb) - walks with short steps while moving from side to side
wag (verb) - to cause to move quickly up and down or from side to side
walrus (noun) - a large marine animal with tusks and whiskers
warm (adjective) - having some heat; not cold
warmer (adjective) - comparative form of warm - not cold, but not hot. Example: I wear a hat to keep my head warm in the winter
waterfall (noun) - a stream of water that falls from a higher place; cascade.
waterway (noun) - a river or canal
weapon (noun) - an object used to attack or defend. Guns are weapons
wee (adjective) - very small or tiny
weigh (verb) - to have a particular amount of weight.
westward (adverb) – towards the west
whip (verb) - to beat eggs or cream.
whipped cream (noun) - cream that has been beaten until it is very thick.
whole (adjective) - as a single thing and not in pieces,
widens (verb) - to become wider
wild (adjective) - something that lives or grows in its natural environment
wind farm - A wind farm is a place where many wind turbines have been built.
wind generated power - electricity that is made using the wind
wing (noun) - a part of the body of some animals that they use for flying. Insects and birds have wings
witch (noun) - a woman who is believed to have magic powers. Witches are more often thought to do evil things than good things
woke up (verb) past tense of wake up - to stop sleeping
wooden (adjective) - made of wood
worry (verb) - to feel fear or anxiety
worth (noun) - the value of a thing
written (verb) past participle of write
wreath (noun) - a ring or circle of flowers or leaves
yeast (noun) - tiny, single cells of certain fungi that are used to make bread, alcohol, and some medicines
yolk (noun) - the yellow or orange part of an egg

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Words Used on this Blog ...........S & T

sacred (adjective) - having to do with religion

saint (noun) - a person who has been recognized by the Roman Catholic Church as having lived a holy life. 
(abbreviation: St. or Ste.)

sales (noun) - the amount of something that is sold

sandcastle (noun) - a toy castle made on a beach by molding wet sand.

sandstorm (noun) - a strong wind in a desert carrying a large amount of sand

sauce (noun) - a thick liquid served on or with food to add flavor.

scalp (noun) - the skin on the top of your head

scanner (noun) – a piece of equipment that copies information to a computer

scarves (noun) plural of scarf - a long piece of cloth worn around the neck, head, or shoulders

scary (adjective) - causing fear; frightening

scenery (noun) - 1. the attractive, natural things that you see in the countryside or 2. the way the land looks in a particular place

score (noun) - the total points earned in a game or test.

scoring (verb) - present participle of to score - to get points in a game or test

scratch (verb) - 1. to rub your skin with your fingernails, 2. to cause damage to a surface with something sharp

seal (noun) - an animal that lives near the sea

seams (noun) - a line of sewing where two pieces of cloth have been joined

search (verb) - to look

secret (adjective) - If something is secret then people don't know about it.

seed (noun) - the small part of a plant with flowers that grows into a new plant

seedless (adjective) - has no seeds

seized (verb) past tense of to seize - to take something away (sometimes by force)

selfless (adjective) - having or showing an unselfish lack of concern for oneself and one's interests.

sensor (noun) – a piece of equipment that can find (and measure) heat, light, etc

settlement (noun) - an area newly occupied by colonists or settlers

sewage (noun) – dirty water & waste from houses and other buildings that is carried away in sewers

sewers (noun) – underground pipes or channels that carry sewage

shade (noun) - the dark area caused when light is blocked

shallow (adjective) - not deep.

shamrock (noun) - a clover plant with leaves that have three parts. It is the national emblem of Ireland.

sharp (adjective) - having a thin edge or a fine point for cutting

shell (noun) - the hard outer covering around a bird's egg, a nut, or the body of some animals.

sheltered (adjective) - protected

shipped (verb) past tense of to ship - to place on and send by ship, truck, or other vehicle

shipyard (noun) - a place where ships are built or repaired

shop (noun) - a small store

shore (noun) - the area of land along the edge of an ocean, lake or river

shoreline (noun) - the edge of a sea or a lake or a wide river

shrub (noun) - large plant that is smaller than a tree

sick (adjective) - not healthy, ill

sigh (verb) - to breathe out slowly & noisily, often because you are annoyed or unhappy

sign (noun) - a printed direction, notice, or warning such as a stop sign, or sign on the front of a store that 
tells you the name of the store

signed (verb) past tense of to sign - to write your name on something to show that you agree to it.

silence (noun) - no sound

silly (adjective) - without good sense or without serious meaning

similar (adjective) - being almost the same as something else

since (adverb) - from then until now

single (adjective) - only one

sinking (verb) present participle of to sink - to fall slowly to a lower level

skate (noun) - a shoe with a blade attached to the bottom. Skates are used to move on ice

skate (verb) - to move along on ice skates or roller skates.

skating (verb) - present participle of to skate

sketch (noun) - a drawing or painting that was done in a hurry or without detail. Sketches are sometimes 
done to prepare for later work.

skill (noun) - an ability to do something well, especially because of training or practice.

skin (noun) - 1. the outer layer of your body, 2. the outer covering of some fruits and vegetables

sliced (adjective) - cut into thin flat pieces

slices (noun) - thin, flat pieces of something larger

slide (verb) - to move smoothly over a surface

slightly (adverb) - a little bit

slipper (noun) - a small, flat shoe that is easy to put on and take off. Slippers usually are indoor shoes.

slow (adjective) - taking a long time

slowly (adverb) - not moving fast

smell (verb) - to sense something by means of the nose

smooth (adjective) - has no lumps in it

snake (noun) - a long, narrow animal that has smooth skin and no legs. Snakes hunt and eat other animals. 
Some snakes are poisonous

sneeze (verb) - to let out a sudden, loud burst of air through the mouth and nose.

snuggled (verb) past tense of to snuggle - to move into a warm, comfortable position

soccer - In North America soccer is what everyone else calls football

social (adjective) - likes to be with others and not alone

soil (noun) - the top layer of the earth's surface; dirt

sold (verb) past tense of to sell - to give something to someone who gives you money for it

solution (noun) - the answer

solve (verb) - to find an answer to; find a way to fix.

sometimes (adverb) - at times, now and then

sore (adjective) - painful.

sour cream (noun) - cream or milk that has been soured using bacteria

source (noun) – where something comes from.

southwestern (adjective) - of, located in, or coming from the southwest

sovereign (noun) - a monarch or other royal ruler

sparkles (verb) - to shine brightly in the light

special (adjective) – used for a particular purpose

species (noun) - a group of living things that are the same in many important ways. Members of a species can produce young together.

spent (verb) - past tense, and past participle, of to spend - 1. to use time doing a particular activity, 2. to use money to buy something

spine (noun) - 1. A strong, sharp-pointed, usually woody outgrowth from a stem or leaf; a thorn, 2. the long 
structure of bones down the center of your back, which supports your body

spirits (noun) – something that people believe exists but doesn’t have a body, like a ghost

spray (verb) - to apply a spray to a surface, or to force liquid out of a container in many small drops

spray (noun) - many small drops of liquid blown through the air

spray paint (noun) - paint that is sprayed onto surfaces

spread (verb) - to cover an area of something

spring (noun) - one of the four seasons, after winter and before summer

sprinkle (verb) - to drop or scatter in small pieces

square (noun) - 1. place, an open area with buildings around it, 2. A shape with four sides that are all the same length.

stabilize (verb) - to make firm, steady, or stable

stables (noun) - building where horses were kept

stadium (noun) - a large open area with seats around it, used for playing and watching sports

statue (noun) - a piece of art that is made out of stone, metal, or other material. Statues are often in the shape of humans or animals

steam (noun) - water in the form of a gas that you can see in the air when you boil or heat water.

steamed (adjective) - something that has been heated by having steam added to it.

steel (noun) - a hard, strong metal made by mixing iron and another metal. It is used to make machines, cars, tools, and many other things

steep (verb) - to soak in liquid

stem (noun) - the main part of a plant that supports the branches, leaves, and other parts

stimulant (noun) - something that temporarily arouses or speeds up a physical or mental activity or process.

sting (verb) to make a tiny hole in the skin that causes pain.

stinger (noun) - the sharp, pointed part of certain animals and plants that sometimes carries a poison. The 
stinger is used to wound

stirred (verb) past tense of to stir - to mix with a spoon

store (verb) - to gather and keep for future use

stored (verb) past tense of to store - to gather and keep for future use

storey or story (noun) - floor or level in a building.  British English: one storey or two storeys.  American English: one story or two stories

strand (noun) – a long, thin piece of something., example a strand of hair

strategy (noun) - a method or plan of action that you intend to use for some purpose.

stripes (noun) - a long straight area of colour

structure (noun) - the way that parts of something are arranged or put together

struggle (verb) - try to try very hard to do something difficult

study (verb) - to learn

study (noun) - learning, when you learn about a subject

style (noun) - a way of doing something

subtropical (adjective) - from parts of the world that aren’t too hot or too cold

sugar (noun) - a sweet substance made from plants. There is a lot of sugar in candy

sung (verb) past tense of to sing

surface (noun) - the top of something, or the outside of something.

surrounded (verb) past tense of to surround - to be on all sides at the same time. The words by or with usually come after the word surrounded. Example: The sidewalk was very crowded. I was surrounded by people

surrounded by - If you are surrounded by something then there is lots of it near you.

surrounding (adjective) - relating to everywhere around something

survive (verb) - to continue to live after something very dangerous has happened

swat (verb) to hit abruptly, as with an open hand or fly swatter; slap; smack

sweep (verb) - to clear the floor of dirt or dust, often with a broom

sweeten (verb) - to make sweet or sweeter in taste usually by adding sugar

symbol (noun) - a sign or an object that represents something

symbolic (adjective) - serving as a symbol

system (noun) - a particular way or method of doing something

tail (noun) - a part of an animal's body that sticks out from the back end

take turns - If two or more people take turns, one person goes first, then another person goes, then another. One person at a time

talent (noun) - a natural skill or ability.

tall (adjective) - being a certain height

taste (verb) - to have a particular flavor

tax (noun) - money that you pay to a government. The government uses the money to provide services.

team (noun) - a group of people who play a sport or game against another group of players

technology (noun) - knowledge having to do with the use of science and industry to help solve common 
problems of life.

temperatures (noun) – Temperature is how hot or cold something is.

temperate (adjective) - having neither extremely hot nor extremely cold temperatures and mild weather.

temporary (adjective) - happening only for a short time

tempted (verb) past tense of the verb to tempt - to make someone want to do something

terrible (adjective) - very bad

territory (noun) - an area of land that belongs to and is governed by a country

thick (adjective) - A think liquid is one that does not flow very easily.

thick (adjective) - large from one side of a surface to the other side; not thin; wide.

thin (adjective) - small when measured from one side to the other or when measured around the outside; not thick.

throat (noun) - the part of the body through which food and air pass to the stomach and lungs

through (preposition) - in one side or end of something and out the other

tidings (noun) - news

tile (noun) - a square, flat piece

tilt (noun) - a leaning or sloping position

tiny (adjective) - very small

tired (adjective) - wanting or needing sleep or rest.

title (noun) - a name of something such as a book, movie, or piece of music

together (adverb) - with someone else, or in a group

tomorrow (noun) - the day after today

tongue (noun) - the organ in the mouth used for tasting and swallowing and also in speaking.

topping (noun) - food that is put on top of other food in order to give it more flavour

totem (noun) - an object which is respected by a group of people

totem pole (noun) - tall wooden pole with symbols, part of the tradition of west coast Native Canadians

tour (verb) - to walk around, or to travel around a place

tourist (noun) - a person who is traveling for pleasure

towards (preposition) – in the direction of something or somebody

tower (noun) - a tall, narrow building or part of a building that rises high above the ground

tradition (noun) - a custom or a way of behaving that has continued for a long time,  the beliefs and ways of doing things that are passed down from parents to children.

traditional (adjective) - relating to the customs that a group has followed for a long time

traditionally (adverb) - following the customs that a group has followed for a long time.

traffic (noun) – the cars & trucks using a road

trial (noun) - in law, an examination of evidence presented to a judicial tribunal, usually in order to determine 
a person's guilt or innocence

transit (noun) - a system for carrying people or goods by vehicle from one place to another. Public buses, 
trains, and subway trains are all forms of transit.

transportation (noun) - buses, trains, cars, etc. used for getting from one place or another

trap (noun) - something to catch animals with

travel (verb) - to go from place to place

travels (noun) - the activity of traveling

treat (noun) - something special

treat (verb) - to relieve or cure (a disease or illness)

treated (verb) past tense of to treat

tributary (noun) - a river that flows into a larger river. Bonanza Creek is a tributary of the Klondike River. This means that the water in Bonanza Creek flows into the Klondike River.

trip (noun) - the act of traveling from one place to another.

tropical (adjective) - from or in the hottest parts of the world

trying (verb) present participle of to try

turn on (phrasal verb) - to cause something to begin. Example: Turn on the lights if it is too dark to see.

turned back (phrasal verb) – past ten se of turn back , to return in the direction that you came from

twelve = 12

twenty = 20

twice (adverb) - two times

twig (noun) a small branch of a tree or other plant

twist (verb) - to wind around something else

typical (adjective) - having all the qualities that you expect in a particular person, place or thing


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Words Used on this Blog ...........P, Q & R

pain (noun) - bad or terrible feeling in your body that is usually caused by injury or illness
pair (noun) - two things that are the same and are used together. Examples, a pair of gloves, a pair of socks
palette knife (noun) - a special knife used by artists to mix paints
parachute (noun) - a large device made of strong, thin cloth that opens up like an umbrella. A parachute slows the fall of a person who jumps from an airplane. It can also be used in the same way for something that is dropped from an airplane
parade (noun) - groups of people moving down a public street together to celebrate something.
parasite (noun) - a plant, animal, or fungus that lives on or in another living thing, called the host. A parasite gets its food and energy from the host organism
parasitic (adjective) – A parasitic insect is an insect that uses another animal as a source of food.
parents (noun) - Your mother and your father are your parents.
park (noun) - an area of public land that anyone can use for rest and enjoyment
parliament (noun) - a group of people who make the laws for a country
party game - a game that is fun to play at a party, or when there is a group of people playing together
passageway (noun) - a long narrow space that connects one place to another
pasta (noun) – Spaghetti & other noodles are kinds of pasta
paste (noun) - a food that has been pounded until it is soft and smooth
pastries (noun), plural of pastry - a small cake
patron saint - This is a saint that is believed to be the protector or guardian of a group of people. St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland - this means that many Irish people believe that St. Patrick is the saint who protects Ireland
peck (noun) - a unit of measurement of grains and other dry things. A peck is equal to eight quarts, one fourth of a bushel, or 8.81 liters. (not used very much any more)
peel (verb) - to remove the outer covering from something
pepper (noun) - a hollow fruit that varies in size, shape, and color (usually red, green or yellow). Peppers can have either a hot or sweet taste. They are eaten as a vegetable or used to add flavor to other foods.
perhaps (adverb) - it is possible that; maybe
personality (noun) - all of the qualities of a person that make that person different from others.
persuade (verb) – If someone persuades you to do something, they get you to do it.  If a candidate persuades you to vote for them, then you vote for them. 
phoning (verb)  present participle of to phone - to call on the telephone
photographer (noun) - a person whose job is to take photographs.
photography (noun) - the art or practice of taking and making photographs
phrase (noun) - a group of words forming part of a sentence but not having both a subject and a verb. "In the kitchen" and "taking a shower" are phrases
physics (noun) – the scientific study of natural forces such as emergy, heat, light
pick (verb) - to gather by pulling off or out. Example: He picks apple from the apple tree.
pick up (phrasal verb) - to pick something up means to get something. Example: You pick up things that you drop on the floor . or, Parents often pick up their kids from school.
pickled (noun) - preserved with salt and a liquid such as vinegar.
pie (noun) - a cooked dish that has a crust made of dough and a thicker layer of fruit, meat, or something else on top of it. Sometimes it has another layer of crust on top of that.
pierced (verb) past tense of to pierce - to pass or go through with or as if with something sharp
pine (noun) - a tree with soft wood and leaves shaped like needles. The leaves stay green all year.
pink (adjective) - a color (red + white)
plastic (noun) - an artificial substance made from certain kinds of chemicals that can be shaped when soft.
point (noun) -a unit used for keeping score in certain sports or achieving a grade in school
poison (noun) - a substance that will make you sick or kill you if you eat or drink it
poisonous (adjective) - containing poison
political (adjective) - having to do with the study or practice of politics, politicians, or government.
politician (noun) - a person who holds political office
polluted (adjective) - If air is polluted it is dirty. Polluted water is not safe to drink.
poorly (adverb) - badly, not well
popular (adjective) - liked by many people
port (noun) - a place where ships load, or the town near this place
postal (adjective) - having to do with the mail service
potted (adjective) - a potted plant is one that is sold growing in a flower pot.
poured (verb) past tense of to pour - If you pour a liquid you are making it flow from one container to another
power (noun) - 1. energy that can do work, 2. electricity
precious (adjective) - 1. of great worth or value. or 2. loved or dear to a person
prefer (verb) - to choose above others as the best liked or most wanted.
prepare (verb) - to get ready
pretend (verb) - to behave as if something is true when it’s not
Prime Minister (noun) - The head of a parliamentary government
probably (adverb) – not 100% sure, but close to; or something is very likely to happen or likely to be true
process (noun) – a series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result
production (noun) - when you make or grow something
protect (verb) - to defend or keep safe from danger or harm
provide (verb) - to supply (or give) something to someone/something
provincial (adjective) - belonging to the province
public (adjective) - for everyone to use, open to everyone
puppy (noun) - a young dog
pure (adjective) - not mixed with anything else; made of only one substance
puzzle (noun) - a toy or problem that you solve by thinking or by arranging letters, words, numbers, or objects
quickly (adverb) - in a short time; rapidly
rain (noun) - drops of water that form in the clouds and fall from the sky to the earth
rare (adjective) - happening very infrequently; uncommon
ray of light (noun) – narrow beam of light
realize (verb) - to notice or understand something
rebuild (verb) - to build again; repair.
recognize (verb) - to know from earlier experience
rectangular (adjective) - having the shape of a rectangle ( a shape with 4 sides)
recycling (noun) - when paper, glass or plastic is put through a process so that it can be used again.
reflected (verb) past tense of to reflect – to send back. If a surface reflects light it sends light back.
refreeze (verb) - to freeze again
region (noun) - a particular area in a country or in the world.
regulation (noun) - a rule or law that controls or directs people's actions
related (adjective) - connected, if two or more people are related, they belong to the same family
religion (noun) - a set of beliefs that includes a belief about god or gods.
religious (adjective) - having to do with religion
remains (verb) - stays, is still there
remember (verb) - If you remember something, then you think about it again.
remembrance (noun) - when you remember and show respect for someone
remove (verb) - to take away, to get rid of
renovate (verb) - to put in good condition by making many repairs
rent (noun) - the money that you give to the owner of a property for the use of a space.
repair (verb) - to put something in good condition again after being broken; fix
representative (noun) - someone who serves in the place of another
require (verb) - to make something necessary. When someone requires you to do something, you must do it.
residents (noun) – A resident of a city is someone who lives in that city.
responsible – If you are responsible for something, then it is your duty to take care of it. Example: Parents are responsible for looking after their children.
responsibilities (noun) - If something is your responsibility then it is your job or your duty to do it.
restaurant (noun) - a place where you go to eat. In a restaurant, you pay to have a meal that is served to you.
resulting (adjective) - caused by the event or situation that was just mentioned
riding (noun) - in government, a place or geographic area. Example: Canada is divided into 308 federal ridings.
rigid (adjective) - difficult or impossible to bend; stiff
ripe (adjective) - finished growing and ready to pick and eat
risked (verb)  past tense of to risk - might lose
roast (adjective) - something that is roasted
roast (verb) - to cook or bake with dry heat in an oven or over an open fire.
role (noun) - the part someone plays, job
romantic (adjective) - relating to the feelings of love
root (noun) - the part of a plant that grows under the ground. Roots take in water and food, and they hold the plant in the soil
rose (noun) - a flower that has a sweet smell, comes in many colors, and grows on a bush. There are often sharp points on the stem of a rose.
rotting (verb) - in the process of decaying
route (noun) – the path that you follow to get from one place to another
row (noun) - a group arranged in a straight line side by side

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Words Used on this Blog ........... M, N & O

made (verb) - past tense of to make
made up of (verb) – contain. Example: Paragraphs are made up of many sentences
mail (verb) - to use the postal service to send a letter or package to someone
maintain (verb) - to keep in good condition
major (adjective) - important
male (adjective) - A male runner is a runner who is a man.
mango (noun) - a tropical fruit that has a green skin and is orange inside
marine (adjective) - found in the sea, or has something to do with the sea
mark (verb) – If you mark an event, you do something to celebrate it.
match (noun) - game or sports competition
matching (verb) present participle of to match - to bring things together because they are the same
mate (verb) - to come together to produce babies.
math (noun) - the short form of mathematics
meal (noun) - when you eat, or the food that you eat at that time.  Example: Lunch is a meal that we eat in the middle of the day.
meaningful (adjective) - 1. useful, important 2. having a clear purpose that people can understand
measure (verb) - to find the amount of something
medical (adjective) - relating to medicine, such as a medical student, or a medical treatment
melt (verb) - to turn into liquid. Example: When it is warm, ice melts to become water
melted (verb) past tense of to melt
memorial (noun) - [as in war memorial] an object built to help people remember an important person or event
memorial (adjective) - [as in memorial service or ceremony] A memorial ceremony is a ceremony in remembrance of someone or some event.
memories (noun) plural of memory - an experience, person, or thing that one remembers
mess (noun) - a state of being dirty or not neat.
message (noun) – information or idea
messenger (noun) – a person who passes messages (information) from one place to another
messy (adjective) - not neat; in a mess
met (verb) - past tense of to meet - to come together by plan or by chance. If a group of people meet, they come to a place in order to do something.
mid – in the middle of
might be – may be
military (adjective) - relating to the army, navy or air force such as a military airplane
military (noun) - The military is a country's army, navy and air force. 
millennium (noun) – a period of 1000 years. The change from the year 1999 to the year 2000 became known as the Millenium.
million - one million = 1,000,000
mine (verb) - to dig out of the ground
mined (verb) - past tense of to mine.
mineral (noun) - a valuable or useful substance that is usually dug out of the ground
miserable (adjective) - sad, unhappy, unpleasant
mitt (noun) - a mitten. A type of glove with a single part for all the fingers except the thumb which is in a separate part.
mixture (noun) - when you have two or more ingredients added together
moccasin (noun) - a soft leather shoe or slipper without a heel. Moccasins were first made and worn by American Indians
modern-day (adjective) - relating to current or recent times, modern
monarch (noun) - one who reigns over a country or territory, example - a king or queen
monarchy (noun) - a nation or government ruled by or in the name of a monarch. A monarch's power is either unlimited or limited by a constitution.
mostly (adverb) - for the greater part, almost all
mould (noun) (also spelled mold) – a container that is used to make something in a particular shape
mountainous (adjective) - has lots of mountains
mug (noun) - a large, heavy cup with a handle, often used for hot drinks
munch (verb) - to eat something in a noisy way
municipal (adjective) – belonging to a city or town
municipality (noun) – usually means a town, or a city
mush (noun) - a thick, soft substance
mushroom (noun) - a kind of fungus with a stem and a cap. Some mushrooms can be eaten as a vegetable and others are poisonous.
mutiny (noun) – when a group of people (usually sailors or soldiers) refuse to obey orders
myth (noun) - ancient story, usually about gods or brave people  or a story or group of stories that form part of the traditional knowledge of a society. Myths often use imaginative plots and characters to explain how the world began and why nature and people behave the way they do.
mythology (noun) – myths, or collection of myths from a culture
narwhal (noun) - a type of whale that lives in the Arctic
nasty (adjective) - bad, unkind, angry
native (adjective) - If a plant is native to a place, that is where it grew originally
naturally occurring (expression) - occurs in nature, not man made
naval (adjective) - of the navy
navigate (verb) - successfully sail (or go by boat) along a waterway
nearby (adjective) - located close at hand; not far away
nectar (noun) - the sweet liquid a plant makes that attracts insects and birds. Bees use nectar to make honey.
nice (adjective) - enjoyable; pleasant
noise (noun) - a sound.
Norse (adjective) – belonging to Norway or its people, language or culture. It can also refer to medieval Scandinavia . Medieval means in the years 500 to 1500.
northern (adjective) - in the north, or from the north.  Example: The Yukon is in the northern part of Canada.
nuisance (noun) - a person or thing that annoys
Nunavut (noun) – one of the three territories in Canada   see map
nursery rhyme (noun) - a simple traditional song or poem for children
nut (noun) - a large seed that people or animals can eat that grows in a hard shell. Example: peanut, cashew, walnut
occasion (noun) - a time when something happens. Example: We met on several occasions
occur (verb) - to happen,
ocean (noun) - a part of the large body of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface
OHIP = Ontario Health Insurance Program
olive (noun) - a small fruit with green or black skin. Olives grow on trees and are used to make oil for cooking
one third = 1/3
on foot – walk
onion (noun) - a round vegetable with a sharp taste and smell. Onions grow under the ground
online (adjective) - connected to a computer or computer network
onto (preposition) - to a position on or on top of.
oregano (noun) - a plant related to mint and marjoram that is dried and used as a seasoning
original (adjective) - first, existing since the beginning
other than - except, or not including a particular thing
oven (noun) - a piece of equipment that you cook food in. An oven has a large metal box with a door.
overlooking (verb) - to have a view of something from above
oxygen (noun) - a gas that is part of air. It has no color or smell. Most living things need oxygen to live.

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