18. Hobby - Various Q&A

Hobby - Various Q&A

"If you had all the money in the world, what would you do?"
 "I would probably find some hobbies and join an organization that works for a good cause."

 "You just stay home most of the week.  Don't you ever get bored?"
 "A lot of my hobbies are things I do by myself such as oil painting, sculpting, and drawing.  So actually, I have a lot to do with not enough time."

 "I'm so bored.  I have nothing to do."
 "Maybe you should start thinking about some hobbies."

 "Is studying considered a hobby?"
 "Studying is usually associated with school and work, so it's not usually considered a hobby.  But if it's not for these purposes, then I guess it can be a hobby.  That's just my opinion though."

 "What do you do in your spare time?"
 "I do a lot of writing, so I write every chance I get."

 Like many topics in English, a conversation will go towards the content of the conversation.  So let's review with longer dialogs in practice.

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