11. How is your day - Interactive Practice

How is your day - Interactive Practice

Click on Listen All and follow along. After becoming comfortable with the entire conversation, become Person A by clicking on the Person A button. You will hear only Person B through the audio file. There will be a silence for you to repeat the sentences of Person A. Do the same for Person B. The speed of the conversation is native speed. Use the pause button if the pause between each sentence is too fast for you. After practicing several times, you will be able to speak as fast as a native.

 Listen All  |    Person A  |    Person B  
 A: "What are you doing now?"
 B: "I'm watching TV."
 A: "What are you watching?"
 B: "I'm watching Friends. What are you doing?"
 A: "I'm doing my homework, but I really need to take a break."
 B: "You want to do something?"
 A: "Yes. But I shouldn't. I got to finish my assignment now."
 B: "Alright. Call me later then."
 A: "OK. Bye."

 Listen All  |    Person A  |    Person B  
 A: "Where are you going now?"
 B: "I'm going to the bank."
 A: "Aren't you supposed to be at work?"
 B: "I'm working now. I'm making a deposit for our company."
 A: "Where do you work?"
 B: "I work for a restaurant as a controller."
 A: "Wow. That's great."
 B: "Great seeing you. I have to go now. I'll talk to you later."

 Listen All  |    Person A  |    Person B  
 A: "Hi Steve. What are you doing here?"
 B: "I'm meeting a friend here for dinner. How about you?"
 A: "I'm on my way home but I needed to stop by the book store to buy a text book."
 B: "Didn't you finish school yet?"
 A: "I have one more year, and then I'm done."
 B: "What are you majoring in?"
 A: "I'm majoring in Sociology"
 B: "How do you like your major?"
 A: "I really find the subject very interesting. I'm enjoying all my classes."
 B: "That's great."
 A: "I better go now. I don't want to miss the bus."
 B: "Aright, I'll talk to you later."
 A: "Okay. See you later."

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