List of English Irregular Nouns
A noun, in English grammar, is a word that names a person,
animal, place, thing, idea, or concept. There are more nouns in the English
Language than any other kind of words. For more information and examples visit What is a
Noun? It covers formation of plural nouns, common and proper
nouns, concrete and abstract nouns, collective nouns, compound nouns, the
functions of nouns in sentences and more.
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There are 106 English Irregular Nouns in this list.
Irregular Nouns
A |
| addendum | addenda |
| alga | algae |
| alumna | alumnae |
| alumnus | alumni |
| analysis | analyses |
| antenna | antennas,antennae |
| apparatus | apparatuses |
| appendix | appendices,appendixes |
| axis | axes |
B |
| bacillus | bacilli |
| bacterium | bacteria |
| basis | bases |
| beau | beaux |
| bison | bison |
| buffalo | buffalos,buffaloes |
| bureau | bureaus |
| bus | busses,buses |
C |
| cactus | cactuses,cacti |
| calf | calves |
| child | children |
| corps | corps |
| corpus | corpora,corpuses |
| crisis | crises |
| criterion | criteria |
| curriculum | curricula |
D |
| datum | data |
| deer | deer |
| die | dice |
| dwarf | dwarfs,dwarves |
| diagnosis | diagnoses |
E |
| echo | echoes |
| elf | elves |
| ellipsis | ellipses |
| embargo | embargoes |
| emphasis | emphases |
| erratum | errata |
F |
| fireman | firemen |
| fish | fish,fishes |
| focus | focuses |
| foot | feet |
| formula | formulas |
| fungus | fungi,funguses |
G |
| genus | genera |
| goose | geese |
H |
| half | halves |
| hero | heroes |
| hippopotamus | hippopotami,hippopotamuses |
| hoof | hoofs,hooves |
| hypothesis | hypotheses |
I |
| index | indices,indexes |
K |
| knife | knives |
L |
| leaf | leaves |
| life | lives |
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