How to Use "Heart" with Example Sentences

Study Vocabulary Words Heart (n): an organ that pumps blood all through the body; feelings or emotions; central or most important part

Used with adjectives:

"He has a healthy heart."
(healthy, strong, bad, weak)

"She could hear his beating heart."
(beating, racing, pounding)

"He received an artificial heart."

"They learned about the human heart."

"She has a big heart."
(big, good, kind, pure, warm)

"He has a cold heart."
(cold, dark, hard)

"She's dealing with a broken heart."

Used with verbs:

"His heart beats rapidly."

"The heart pumps blood."

"His heart pounded in his chest."
(pounded, thumped, throbbed)

"Her heart raced when she saw him."
(raced, fluttered)

"She has a good heart."

"She really broke my heart."

"His gesture touched her heart."
(touched, warmed, melted)

"He tried to steal her heart with flowers."
(steal, win, capture)

"He told me to follow my heart."

"He poured out his heart to her but she didn't care."
(poured out, opened)

"Her heart jumped when she saw him."
(jumped, leaped, skipped a beat)

"My heart aches just thinking about it."
(aches, breaks, sinks, melts)

Used with nouns:

"The doctor checked his heart rate."
(rate, rhythm)

"He was attached to a heart monitor."

"He has a heart defect."
(defect, condition, murmur)

"She was diagnosed with heart disease."
(disease, failure)

"He needs heart surgery."

"She received a heart transplant."

Used with prepositions:

"I know his advice comes from the heart."

"He's still a kid at heart."

"She knew in her heart that he was lying."

"He got to the heart of the issue."
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