English Vocabulary, Smart - Advanced words

English Vocabulary, Smart - Advanced words

Md. Afrooz ZamaN KhaN

    To enhance your English vocabulary skills!
Learning and using these smart words effectively will help you score higher on tests and get better grades, and(or) communicate more confidently at work.

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204 smart words to impress a native speaker of English!

A affable affinity affliction affluent alacrity alleviate ambiguous ambivalent amiable animosity annex apocryphal apprehensive aqueous arduous aroma atone attrition avarice

B bellicose belligerent beneficiary brazen brusque
C capricious charisma chastise cognitive coherent complicity comprehensive concoct condone congenial congenital consensus contiguous convivial cryptic culpable curtail
D dangle dearth deference delineate derogatory diligent disparage docile doleful dormant drought dubious dumbfound duplicity
E eccentric efface egocentric elucidate eminent enchant endeavor enigma enthrall esoteric exacerbate extol extraneous
F felicity fidelity flagrant flimsy frugal futile
G gaudy ghastly gluttony gratuitous gregarious grumble
H haughty heterogeneous homogeneous hypocrisy
I imminent impediment indigenous indulgent ingenuous inherent insatiate instigate intrepid irate
J jeopardy
L laconic lament latent lithe lurid leash loafer lucrative lustrous
M malign meddle mend mendacious minuscule mirth munificent
N nausea neglect nihilism nocturnal nominal notorious noxious nuance
O oblique obscure officious opaque
P parsimonious pejorative perch pervade petulant philanthropy philistine pillage plethora ponderous postulate precipitous precursor presumptuous prevail prodigious prodigy proliferate prolific proprietary provident proximity prudent
Q quashed quenching
R rancor reciprocal reclusive renaissance replenish reproach reticent reverberate revere rigor rotundity rudimentary
S salvage scattered scrupulous sentient serendipity shatter shunned sketchy sporadic squander stagnation stifled strive subjugate sublime succumb superfluous surreptitious
T taciturn taciturn tangible tantalize tenacious tentative torpid treacherous tremor tyro
U uproar
V vanity vehemence venerate verisimilitude vestige vigilance vilify vindicate visionary vitriolic volatile voluptuous
W wan wile wrinkle

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