- There would be no selective reduction.
- There might not even be one fertilized egg, and even if there were two, pregnancy wasn't guaranteed.
- There were sparks between them from the start.
- It seemed there was nothing he couldn't do better than she could do, and he was always taking command of things.
- The renters would be there until Easter, when they planned to go back up north.
- There was so much he hadn't told her.
- Of course, there had never been any question about wanting another baby.
- It seemed there was always something dragging him away - usually work.
- When Carmen's father died, she thought she was alone in the world, yet all these people had been there for her.
- Alex got a relief when the conversation turned to something else and stayed there for the rest of the evening.
- Then there was the money he left to Carmen.
- There isn't much to tell.
- Horses were high maintenance animals, and there would be no profit until the safari and the guest ranch were completed.
- That might be true, but there was no point in working at becoming a spendthrift simply because he had money.
- There was shopping and packing to be done before they left on vacation.
- Aside from packing, there was also decorating to be done.
- As always, he had been there when she needed him.
- Señor Medena eyed Carmen thoughtfully, but like Alex, there was no way of knowing what was on his mind.
- The fact that there was nothing to protect her from was irrelevant.
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