IELTS Speaking Topic Part 2 : A concert you attended

A concert you attended

Whose concert was it?
What kind of music was it?
How was the whole experience?

I do not go to concerts that often, but when I was in my High school I used to attend a lot of concerts. I went to a concert in the last year of my high school. I famous singer came to our school to perform a concert. I had planned a dinner with my friends but when I found out that MUK was going to sing, I could not stop myself and I decided to stay for the concert.

The singer was good at singing Indian songs. At that time most people of my age wanted to listen rock music, but I was even a fan of good Indian music at that time. There were not many people who were in the band. There was a guitarist, pianist and a vocalist. I would even like to tell you that after that concert I even got the inspiration to become a singer. I joined a music academy and took some singing classes, but I was not able to pursue it as a full time career.

I was accompanied by some of my good friends. Overall the experience was simply spectacular. There was real good music played and moreover there was good food available over there. I spent 2 hours in a very good manner and I was able to listen to all the good songs which I liked. The experience of listening to them play live was really good.

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