The Crows and Snake Story

The Crows and  Snake Story- Story Of The Crows And Serpent

Long time ago two crows lived in a tree little away from a village. They laid eggs several times. Every time a snake, who lived in a hole of a nearby tree, ate all the eggs. This worried the crows. They hit upon a plan. Together they flew to the village well. Few village girls were taking bath there. At a little distance lay their belongings. A pearl necklace caught the crow’s attention. Finding an opportunity, one crow picked it up. The crows flew as fast as they could till they reached the snake’s hole. They dropped the necklace there. It look like a string of eggs and the snake came out of the hole. The villagers who had heard the cries of the girls followed the crows to the spot. They saw the snake and killed it. They went back taking the necklace with them. The crows lived happily and peacefully ever after.

Moral Of The Story

Intelligence is greater than strength.

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