knowing these prefix, roots, and suffix, you will able know many more
thousands words containing these prefixs, roots, and suffixs.
Following are some of the most useful prefixes:
By knowing these 60 prefixes, you will able know the meanings of many more thousands words containing these prefixes.
Prefix | Meanings | |
1 | ab: | from Ex: aberration |
2 | ad:—-see also ac, af, ag, al, ap, as, at | to Ex: adequate |
3 | ambi: | both Ex: ambidextrous |
4 | an:—-see also a: | without Ex: anarchy |
5 | anti: | against Ex: antipathetic |
6 | ante: | before Ex: antecedent |
7 | be: | throughout Ex:belie |
8 | bi: | two Ex:bilateral |
9 | cata: | down Ex: catacomb |
10 | circum: | around Ex:circumscribe |
11 | com—-see also con, col, cor, cog, co: | together Ex: confluence |
12 | contra: | against Ex: contravene |
13 | de: | down (negative) Ex: debase |
14 | deca: | ten Ex: decathlon |
15 | decem: | ten Ex: decimal |
16 | di: | two Ex: digraph |
17 | dia: | through, between Ex: dialectic |
18 | dis: | apart (negative) Ex: disparity |
19 | du: | two Ex: duplicate |
20 | dys: | abnormal Ex: dysphoria |
21 | epi: | upon Ex: epicenter |
22 | equi: | equal Ex: equitable |
23 | ex: | out Ex: extricate |
24 | extra: | beyond Ex: extraterrestrial |
25 | fore: | in front of Ex: foreword |
26 | hemi: | half Ex: hemisphere |
27 | hyper: | excessive Ex: hyperbole |
28 | hypo: | too little Ex: hypothermia |
29 | in—-see also ig, il, im, ir: | not Ex: inefficient |
30 | in—-see also il, im, ir in: | very Ex: invite, inflammable |
31 | inter: | between Ex: interloper |
32 | intro—-see also intra | inside Ex: introspective |
33 | kilo: | one thousand Ex: kilogram |
34 | meta: | changing Ex: metaphysics |
35 | micro: | small Ex: microcosm |
36 | mili—-see also milli: | one thousand Ex: millipede |
37 | mis: | bad, hate Ex: misanthrope |
38 | mono: | one Ex: monopoly |
39 | multi: | many Ex: multifarious |
40 | neo: | new Ex: neophyte |
41 | nil—-see also nihil: | nothing Ex: nihilism |
42 | non: | not Ex: nonentity |
43 | ob—-see also oc, of, op: | against Ex: obstinate |
44 | pan: | all Ex: panegyric |
45 | para: | beside Ex: paranormal |
46 | per: | throughout Ex: permeate |
47 | peri: | around Ex: periscope |
48 | poly: | many Ex: polyglot |
49 | post: | after Ex: posterity |
50 | pre: | before Ex: predecessor |
51 | prim: | first Ex: primitive |
52 | pro: | forward Ex:procession |
53 | quad: | four Ex: quadruple |
54 | retro: | backward Ex: retrograde |
55 | semi: | half Ex: semiliterate |
56 | sub—-see also suc, suf, sug, sup, sus | under Ex: succumb |
57 | super—-see also supra: | above Ex: superannuated |
58 | syn—-see also sym, syl: | together Ex: synthesis |
59 | trans: | across Ex: transgression |
60 | un: | not Ex: unkempt |
140 Most Useful Roots to Know
By knowing these 140 roots, you will able know the meanings of many more thousands words containing these roots.
Root | Meaning/Exmaple | ||
1 | ac | bitter, sharp Ex: acrid, accid | |
2 | agog | leader Ex: demagogue | |
3 | agri— see also agrari | field Ex: agriculture | |
4 | ali | other Ex: alienate | |
5 | alt | high Ex: altostratus | |
6 | alter | other Ex: alternative | |
7 | am | love Ex: amiable | |
8 | anim | soul Ex: animadversion | |
9 | anthrop | man, people Ex: anthropology | |
10 | arch | ruler Ex: monarch | |
11 | aud | hear Ex: auditory | |
12 | auto | self Ex:autocracy | |
13 | belli | war Ex: bellicose | |
14 | ben | good Ex: benevolence | |
15 | biblio | book Ex: bibliophile | |
16 | bio | life Ex: biosphere | |
17 | cap | take Ex: caprice | |
18 | capit | head Ex: capitulate, capital | |
19 | carn | flesh Ex: incarnate | |
20 | ced | go Ex: accede | |
21 | celer | swift Ex: accelerate | |
22 | cent | one hundred Ex: centurion | |
23 | chron | time Ex: chronology | |
24 | cide | cut, kill Ex: fratricide | |
25 | cit | to call Ex: recite | |
26 | civ | citizen Ex: civility | |
27 | cord | heart Ex: cordial | |
28 | corp | body Ex: corporeal | |
29 | cosm | universe Ex: cosmopolitan | |
30 | crat | power Ex: plutocrat | |
31 | cred | belief Ex: incredulous | |
32 | cur to | care Ex: curable | |
33 | deb | debt Ex: debit | |
34 | dem | people Ex: demagogue | |
35 | dic | to say Ex: Dictaphone | |
36 | doc | to teach Ex: doctorate | |
37 | dynam | power Ex: dynamism | |
38 | ego | I Ex: egocentric | |
39 | err | to wander Ex: errant | |
40 | eu | good Ex: euphemism | |
41 | fac—see also fic, fec, fect | to make Ex: affectation | |
42 | fall | false Ex: infallible | |
43 | fer | to carry Ex: fertile | |
44 | fid | faith Ex: confidence | |
45 | fin | end Ex; finish | |
46 | fort | strong Ex: fortitude | |
47 | gen | race, group Ex: genocide | |
48 | geo | earth Ex: geology | |
49 | germ | vital part Ex: germane | |
50 | gest | carry Ex: gesticulate | |
51 | gnosi | know Ex: prognosis | |
52 | grad— see also gress | step Ex: transgress | |
53 | graph | writing Ex: calligraphy | |
54 | grav | heavy Ex: gravitate | |
55 | greg | crowd Ex: egregious | |
56 | habit | to have, live Ex: habituate | |
57 | hema— see also hemo | blood Ex: hemorrhage | |
58 | hetero | different Ex: heterogeneous | |
59 | homo | same Ex: homogenized | |
60 | hum | earth, man Ex: humble | |
61 | jac—see also jec | throw Ex: interjection | |
62 | jud | judge Ex: judicious | |
63 | junct—see also join | combine Ex: disjunctive | |
64 | jus—-see also jur | law, to swear Ex: adjure | |
65 | leg | law Ex: legislator | |
66 | liber | free Ex: libertine | |
67 | lic | permit Ex: illicit | |
68 | loc | place Ex: location | |
69 | log | word Ex: logic | |
70 | loqu | speak Ex: soliloquy | |
71 | macro | large Ex: macrobiotics | |
72 | magn | large Ex: magnanimous | |
73 | mal | bad Ex: malevolent | |
74 | manu | by hand Ex: manuscript | |
75 | matr | mother Ex: matriarch | |
76 | medi | middle Ex: medieval | |
77 | meter | measure Ex: perimeter | |
78 | morph | form, structure Ex: anthropomorphic | |
79 | mut | change Ex: immutable | |
80 | nat—-see also nasc | born Ex: nascent | |
81 | neg | deny Ex: renegade | |
82 | nov | new Ex: innovative | |
83 | omni | all Ex: omniscient | |
84 | oper—-see also opus | work Ex: operative | |
85 | pac—-see also plais | please Ex: complaisant | |
86 | pater—-see also patr | father Ex: expatriate | |
87 | path | disease, feeling Ex: pathos | |
88 | ped—-see also pod | foot Ex: pedestal | |
90 | phil | love Ex: philanthropic | |
91 | pict | paint Ex: depict | |
92 | poli | city Ex: metropolis | |
93 | port | carry Ex: deportment | |
94 | pos—-see also pon | to place Ex: posit | |
95 | pot | power Ex: potentate | |
96 | put | think Ex: computer | |
97 | rect—-see also reg | straight Ex: rectitude | |
98 | ridi—-see also risi | laughter Ex: derision | |
99 | rog | beg Ex: interrogate | |
100 | rupt | break Ex: interruption | |
101 | sanct | holy Ex: sanctimonious | |
102 | sangui | blood Ex: sanguinary | |
103 | sat | enough Ex: satiate | |
104 | sci | know Ex: conscience | |
105 | scrib—-see also script | to write Ex: circumscribe | |
106 | sequ—-see also secu | follow Ex: sequence | |
107 | simil—-see also simul | resembling Ex: simile | |
108 | solv—-see also solut | loosen Ex: absolve | |
109 | soph | wisdom Ex: unsophisticated | |
110 | spec | look Ex: circumspect | |
111 | spir | breathe Ex: aspire | |
112 | strict—-see also string | bind Ex: astringent | |
113 | stru | build Ex: construe | |
114 | tact—-see also tang, tig | touch Ex: intangible | |
115 | techni | skill Ex: technique | |
116 | tempor | time Ex: temporal | |
117 | ten | hold Ex: tenacious | |
118 | term | end Ex: interminable | |
119 | terr | earth Ex: extraterrestrial | |
120 | test | to witness Ex; testimony | |
121 | the | god Ex: theocracy | |
122 | therm | heat Ex: thermodynamics | |
123 | tom | cut Ex: epitome | |
124 | tort—-see also tors | twist Ex: distortion | |
125 | tract | draw, pull Ex: abstract | |
126 | trib | bestow Ex: attribute | |
127 | trud—-see also trus | push Ex: protrude | |
128 | tuit—-see also tut | teach Ex: intuitive | |
129 | ultima | last Ex: penultimate | |
130 | ultra | beyond Ex: ultraviolet | |
131 | urb | city Ex: urbane | |
132 | vac | empty Ex: vacuous | |
134 | ven | come Ex: adventure | |
135 | ver | true Ex: veracity | |
136 | verb | word Ex: verbose | |
137 | vest | clothe Ex: travesty | |
138 | vic | change Ex: vicissitude | |
139 | vit—-see also viv | alive Ex: vivacious | |
140 | voc | voice Ex: vociferous | |
141 | vol | wish Ex: volition |
1 | –able, –ible: | capable of |
2 | –ate, –ify,–efy, –ize, –ise: | make |
3 | –cess, –cede: | to go, yield |
4 | –cide: | to kill |
5 | –cis: | cut |
6 | –ette, –illo: | little |
7 | –ist | a person |
8 | –logy, –ology: | study |
9 | –ous: | full of |
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