Wanna, Gotta, Gonna
1. Want to = WANNA
- I want to go out = I wanna go out
- Does he want to go out = Does he wanna go out ?
- I have got to go out = I gotta go out
I have to work = I gotta work
3. Going to = GONNA
- I'm going to eat = I'm gonna eat
Exercise: Change the sentences using wanna, gotta, gonna

1. I want to eat.

2. It's going to happen soon.

3. You have got to help me.

4. Do you want to eat?

5. Where are you going to go?

6. They have to stop.

7. Does he want to drink?

8. He wants to go there.

9. I'm not going to question this ?

10. Do you want to marry me ?

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