Cambridge IELTS -- 6 , Test-- 3 Writing task _ 2

Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behaviour. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.

Sample Answer 1:
Tourism industry has been concerned in many countries and these days lots of investments have been developed on this matter. But there are a lot of debates about some conflicts which come to existence when visitors enter in some societies. In fact, some encourage people to accept and welcome other cultures which have been brought to their countries by tourists and some others believe that tourists should behave as the frame of the host country rules and customs. This essay has tried to cover both of mentioned views and will suggest a solution for this sophisticated issue.
The first groups who opine that people should respect tourists’ cultural believe that introducing new cultures to a society can be suitable. In the other words, people can learn new things from tourists and it can be helpful for increasing society awareness about the way of living in each corner of the world. In the other hand, these groups believe that people and governments should be flexible and admit other cultures if they want to be successful in tourism industry and attract more tourists. Actually, lots of countries are competing with each other for being the destination of visitors in holidays and without respecting different cultures, they may be lost in this competition.
By contrast, some other worry about their local customs and traditional cultures and they think that bringing new cultures and behaviors to one country by visitors can make a serious threaten for their cultures. Put another way, they believe that people may be interested in other countries cultures when tourists come to their countries and by this way, they forget their local customs. For example, new style of wearing would be replaced on local cloths or new foods would be developed instead of traditional ones. Hence, they always want from tourists to behave as the host country allows. For instance, in some Islamic countries, governments prohibit drinking alcohol for tourists or ask women tourists to wear some specific dresses.
I think, therefore, tourists always would like to learn and visit local customs when they go to new places, so, host countries can make a potential for tourists to be free and also encourage them to follow local rules and customs by introducing and showing their benefits. Undeniably visitors would be interested to behave as similar as local people if the proper strategies would be considered.

Sample Answer 2:
It is always debatable whether visitors should follow local customs and behavior or the country should be accustomed with cultural differences. At first, I would like to discuss about following local customs and behavior. As a human being we have consciousness which helps us to decide what is right or wrong that we apply in every sphere of our life. But everybody may not apply consciousness or may not have the same level of consciousness to apply.

If one does not follow local customs, he/she may not be taken warmly by people of that country. Due to this reason, I believe that everybody who visits to other country should follow local customs and behavior. Beside this, local customs and behavior are mostly regulated by religion of the country which is very sensitive to most people. That is why I agree with the view of following local customs and behavior.

In the other hand, there are many reasons to agree with the second view that the host country should welcome cultural differences. It is universally true that the civilization is evolving from beginning of mankind and main reason behind this is that people are traveling from one place to another to explore the world which brings new culture to new places. If one fails to welcome cultural differences, he/she will not be able to cope with cultures of other countries. This will impact the economy in terms of tourism and modernization as well as evaluation of civilization.

A good example of welcoming cultural differences is Malaysia. People of western countries are traveling to Malaysia and most of them are not used to follow local customs and being a Muslim country, Malaysia also providing freedom to visitors until laws are broken. Malaysia has become an example for other countries to welcome cultural differences. That is why cultural differences should always be welcomed until it hurts your philosophy or religion.
Sample Answer 3:
Nowadays the tourism industry is growing at a tremendous speed. Due to the boom in transport industries and holiday packages, people often travel other countries for holidays and on official trips. There is a debate ongoing on whether the visitors from other nationality should follow local customs and behaviors during their stay in host countries. I will discuss this in below paragraphs.
Firstly, when the foreigners visit other countries they carry their culture along with them. But, during their stay in host countries if they adopt the local customs, it will be helpful for them to get better communication with the local people. Meanwhile, when they adjust themselves to the local people's behavior, it will make them easier to socialize with them. Also, this will help local people to better understand the foreigners.
Secondly, this will help the foreigner to have a good idea about local cultures and rituals. This understating helps our culture to spread globally, thereby more and more people get attracted toward the local culture. This in turn attracts number of visitors from different country's to visit. This will help in increasing the tourism industry and also helps in giving employment opportunity in the related industries.
On the other hand, when the foreigners share their culture and behavior with the local people it gives an opportunity to local people for better understanding of their culture and characters. This will have immense influence on local people's opinion about foreigners and their culture. Also, this helps them to identify the negative aspects of their culture and gives them an opportunity to correct it.
To sum up, by considering the above benefits, I personally believe that the balanced exchange of cultures and behavior of foreigners with local people will benefit both the countries to come together and calm down if there are any frictions between the countries. Also, this will have a positive impact on the economy of both countries.
Sample Answer 4:
It is noticeable that people tend to travel more frequently these days than they used to do in the past. While I agree that the travellers should follow the host country’s traditions and cultures, I also think that the host country should welcome cultural differences.
On one hand, travellers should adapt to the culture of their host country and feel happy with the idea of trying new things. Nowadays, people not only consider travelling as a way to relax but also they think it is a chance for self-improvement and exploring the world. Travelling is a good opportunity to try new things such as traditional cuisine, music and customs and those who just travel to view landscapes waste a perfect chance to learn something new. For example, people who have visited places like India, Egypt or China have been very excited when they tried the local food or wore the traditional dress. An experience like this broadens people’s horizons and enriches their knowledge.
On the other hand, for many reasons the host country should accept and understand the different backgrounds of tourists. Firstly, for many visitors it would be difficult to follow the host culture and customs because these usually different than their own and in some cases they may even be incompatible with their beliefs and morals. For example, Indian or Arabs who go to European countries may find it difficult to get used to the European taste in food because it does not contain as much spices as they have in their food. In addition if travellers feel they are welcomed in the new country despite of the cultural differences they will feel more comfortable to visit this place again.
In conclusion, I believe that it could be beneficial for travellers to get exposed to different cultures and customs. However, tourist destinations should be opened to the cultural diversity of its newcomers.

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Cambridge 6, Test 2, Writing Task 1 (New)

Cambridge 6, Test 2, Writing Task 1

The table illustrates the differences of average distances in miles travelled per person between 1985 and 2000 in modes of travel.
There was an aggregate increase of all modes in the average distance travelled per person from 4,740 miles in 1985 to 6,475 miles in 2000. Whereas the change in other modes such as walking and car showed various patterns. Typically, the miles travelled by car skyrocketed to 4,806 miles each person, compared to 3,199 miles back to 1985.
The distance travelled by walking (255), bicycle (51) and local bus (429) in 1985 had all greatly reduced in 2000 to 237, 41 and 274 respectively. This result was expected as the use of cars became widespread throughout the third industrial revolution due to the advanced technology and cheaper costs.
However, the long distance bus presented surprising figures: the distances travelled climbed up from 54 to 124 during the 15 years from 1985 to 2000. The reason might be because of the massive increase in the petrol price, hindering people from travelling long distances by cars and switching to the more cost effective mode of long distance bus.
Also, train, taxi and all the other modes of travel in England all expressed an up-going trend that contrasts to the decrease in the non-mechanic modes of travel like walking and bicycle.

(219 words)

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Cambridge IELTS -- 6 , Test-- 2... Writing Task _ 2

Cambridge 6, Test 2, Writing Task 2

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
In the past couple of decades, successful sports professionals have evolved to another role in the society – a TV celebrity, which gives them an open door to earn a great deal more money than ordinary people in the society, including other important professions. It thus raises an issue that whether these sports professionals are worth incomes over millions of dollars each year.
First of all, to become a successful sports professional, what lies behind is intense training, countless sleepless nights and strong will power. They are forced to be on the state of constant pressure and stress from the media and public, which spares no privacy in their life. Although these successful sports professionals constantly appear on TV or posters for advertisements, they might not seem as happy and joyful as they look in real life. An example to demonstrate this is that the media always broadcast news about sports celebrities being addicted to drugs to mitigate their stresses and undergoing mental breakdowns. It sufficiently shows people that the huge amount of income of these successful sports professionals is earned at the expense of both physical and psychological torture.
Moreover, it is a high-risk investment to train a person to achieve the top level in one field of sports. Once an athlete happens to have any serious injuries, which is highly likely to incur, considering the incredibly high intensity of training, the whole sports career of this athlete will be ruined. Thereafter all the money invested in the athlete will be wasted and the sports institution and the athlete must bear the loss, financially and physically. Therefore, successful sports professionals deserve a high income to compensate them for the endurance of everything they suffered in the past.
In addition, other than the negative impacts on these sports professionals themselves, they can also bring some positive influences on the society. Some media are inclined to either write or video shoot a documentary of these sports professionals about the arduous process of becoming successful; some companies hire them as representatives to promote for the sports facilities, sports clothes or gymnastics. The advertising of the successful stories of these sports professionals encourages youngsters to strive persistently for their dreams and future. Most importantly, some sports professionals can even bring about a chain effect in the growth of sports industry: many side products of one sports brand can be expanded to tap further into the profitable market. What’s more, people tend to purchase commodities with their favourite athlete’s face on, hence spurring up the sales of a certain sports brand. The economic effects these sports professionals give rise to are as successful as their sports careers.
However, some may argue that people in other important professions such as people working for education field do not earn as much, but they make a more profound contribution to the society. For example, a university professor not only delivers knowledge to the next generation but also he or she leaves an academic legacy of research papers or even new discoveries to the world. The salaries paid to them are not proportional to their contributed value compared with what the sports celebrities receive.
Nonetheless, my point is that those other professionals do not suffer so painfully as sports professionals and the workforce environment of other professions is relatively more comfortable and significantly less stressful. For instance, my sister is working at a university as a lecturer and she has the very flexibility in working hours and locations. Other important professionals enjoy a better and more relaxing life than those doing sports and hence a much lower income.

In conclusion, I am convinced that successful sports professionals deserve the huge amount of income, for they endure a massive physical pain, bear a risk of permanent injury and bring about positive impacts on the society, which professionals in other important areas cannot make.

(643 words)

Category: 1 comments

Cambridge IELTS -- 6 , Test-- 2... Writing task _ 1

The Table below gives information about changes in modes of travel in England between 1985 and 2000. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparison where relevant.


The table reveals a set of statistical information regarding the sorts of changes of travel in England for 16 years from 1985 to 2000. In general, there are some variation trends unveiled throughout the figure of the information.

Turning to the detail, we can demonstrate that In 1985, the British traveled most of the path, measured the average distance in miles traveled per person per year, by car which was identical 3199 miles, followed by other, local bus, train and walking with 450, 429, 289 and 255 miles respectively. They used to travel by bicycle and long distance bus which constituted four-fold as much as taxi.

In the new millennium, it can be illustrated that the people of England still traveled the most path by car though its increased by 1607 miles. However, they went from one place to other by long distance bus which comprised three-times as much as bicycle and taxi. The rest of the items followed by other, train, local bus and walking respectively with 585, 366, 274 and 237 miles.

The overall trend shows a growth of all modes of travel in total over the defined period.
The table illustrates the changes occurred in the modes of traveling in England by comparing years of 1985 and 2000.
Overall, there is an increase in almost every mode of travel when looking at the trends in 1985 and 2000. There is an overall rise from 4.740 to 6.475 on average distance in miles traveled per person in 1985 and 2000 respectively.
The average of distance taken by cars significantly went up from 3.199 to 4.806 in 1985 and 2000 respectively. On the contrary, traveling on feet or by bicycle went down 18 miles for walking and 10 miles for bicycle. The last method of traveling which experienced decline for over 15 years was local bus with a considerable dropping from 429 to 274. It is likely to say that with 135 miles increase, other types of transports have been the second mostly preferred methods of traveling, which may be planes or ships, with 135 miles increase. Approximate distance in miles taken by long distance bus, train and taxi climbed 60, 80 and 39 miles respectively over 15 years time. 

In summary, people in England over 15 years period adopted more comfortable life style by preferring to travel considerably by car or other vehicles than by walking or riding bikes.

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Road and Street difference

In your town or city you may wonder why some streets are called streets and others are called roads. Historically there was a difference between a street and a road which is still relevant today.

What is a street?

Street = a paved public road that only appears in a city or town, not in rural areas.
Usually there are shops/stores or houses along both sides of a street which facilitates public interaction.
Example sentences with Street:
  • The opened a store on Main Street.
  • It was 6pm and the streets were busy with people going home from work.
  • Make sure you look both ways when you cross the street.
  • After the guilty verdicy, there were riots on the streets.

What is a road?

Road = a route or way on land between two places that has been paved to allow travel by transport.
According to the OECD, a road is "a line of communication (travelled way) using a stabilized base other than rails or air strips open to public traffic, primarily for the use of road motor vehicles running on their own wheels,"
Traditionally a road was a way to travel between two points, usually other towns or distant places. Over time, a road that once connected two towns or villages that were close to each other is still called a road even though now those two towns or villages became part of the same larger city. That is why roads are normally long and important routes in a city.
Example sentences with Road:
  • Unfortunately there are many potholes on the road.
  • The farm is two miles south of the main road.
  • Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. (extract from The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost).

The difference between Street and Road

Nowadays you may hear people informally use the word road as a synonym of street. This is fine and people will understand what you are talking about if you use either of the words. A street however normally has shops/stores or houses along both sides of it which facilitates public interaction. A road may also have buildings on either side though its main function is as a transportation route, a way of getting from one place to another, especially between towns. Outside of the city they are called roads.
Road can also be used to talk about the actual construction (materials) of a road or street. When a street (or road) is being repaired, it is called road works, not street works.
  • Make sure you look both ways when you cross the street. (Here you could also use road instead of street)
  • Look at all of those potholes on the road.
  • I think I will be late to work because of all the road works on the way.
The difference between STREET and ROAD in English


What is an avenue?

Avenue = a straight street (or road) with trees planted along both sides. Avenues are typically wider than streets, sometimes having more lanes and therefore more traffic.
In some cities in the US that are based on a grid system, streets and avenues are the same with the difference that streets run from west to east while avenues run north to south. Note that in other US cities this may be reversed and the streets go north to south and the avenues from west to east. Thus in city centers (downtown), you will almost never find two avenues that intersect.
Example sentences with Avenue:
  • It's on the corner of Patriot Street and Sixth Avenue.
  • The main avenue that runs through Santiago changes its name four times.
  • The spent the afternoon strolling along the tree-lined avenue.
  • The widest avenue in the world is in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Alleys, Boulevards, Lanes, and more

An alley is a narrow passageway between or behind buildings. Often there is only enough space for a one vehicle in an alley or for none at all (just for pedestrians).
A boulevard is a wide tree-lined street, similar to an avenue though with a grass median strip (with trees and/or grass).
A court is a short street that ends in a cul-de-sac.
A cul-de-sac is a street that is closed at one end. Sometimes the end of the street has a large round paved area (from above it has the shape of an old light bulb) making it easier for vehicles to turn around and go back out.
A highway is a major public road, usually connecting towns and cities. In some countries UK, NZ etc, the word motorway is used instead of highway.
A lane is a short narrow street usually without a sidewalk/footpath.
A path is not normally paved and is dedicated to pedestrians, not vehicles.
A pedestrian street is a street that has been closed to road vehicles. They are paved and you can only walk along them.

Giving Directions

When giving directions, sometimes people leave out the Street part of a street name. For example:
  • Go along Churchill (Street) and once you get to Piccadilly (Street), turn right.

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uk   /ˈmɪs.tʃɪf/  us   /ˈmɪs.tʃɪf/

[U] behaviour, ​especially a child's, that is ​slightlybad but is not ​intended to ​causeseriousharm or ​damage: She's a ​lively little ​girl, ​full of mischief. He ​needs a ​hobby to ​keep him ​busy and ​stop him from getting into mischief. Maybe a new ​bike would keep him out of mischief. I ​hope you haven't been up to any mischief while I was gone. 
[U] informal damage or ​harm: criminal mischief

  • om is mischievous
  • Boys are fond of mischief
  • He likes to be mischievous
  • Tom is in a mischievous mood. 
  • That child is full of mischief.
  • That child is full of mischief
  • Tom is quite a mischievous child. 
  • Tom gave Mary a mischievous smile. 
  • A little mischief can be a good thing. 
  • Keep an eye on the boys. They're mischievous
  • We stopped the child from getting into mischief
  • That boy isn't as mischievous as we thought he would be. 
  • The little boy got into mischief when he was left alone.

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Cambridge book-6, Speaking Test-2 ( Violin )

1. Which musical instrument do you like listening to most? (Why?)
I like listening to the Violin the most because it has a very high sound and it is very popular string instrument in Orchestra.
2. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
Not really but I would love to have got the opportunity to learn Piano.
3. Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?
No, I think the disadvantageous for learning to play an instrument at school would outweigh the advantageous . The essentiality for learning a music instrument is not as high as other mainstream subjects at school. It goes with hobbies rather than the main curriculum subjects such as math and science not to mention the fact that not every child could cope with it
4. How easy would it be to learn to play an instrument without a teacher?
I think it depends ,firstly- gifted children or adults would probably go ahead and play it without academical approach tutors . secondly- people would learn it easier and faster if they have got the interest in learning it as a hobby. Thirdly –people might take ages to learn music instrument if they have not got hold of a real interest in it.

Part 2

Describe something healthy you enjoy doing

You should say:
What you do
Where you do it
Who you do it with
And explain why you think doing this is healthy.

Playing sports, cycling, exercising

I have been playing badminton for the last few years.  This is something that I really enjoy.  When I started I wasn’t a good player.  Over the years I have improved tremendously.  Every day I wait for the evening to play badminton. 

I play it in our college campus.  We have an indoor court and so the wind doesn’t disturb our game. 

I play with my colleagues at work.  There are about 6 to 8 people who play regularly and if you don’t reach the court in time, you don’t get to play the first game.  After a game is over, usually the losers have to give chance to the other players, who wait outside. 

I think this has definitely kept me fit.  I have lost about 6 kilos in the last 2 years, just because I play this game.  I have no other exercise and I don’t need any.  I can eat anything I like and I can burn my extra calories in the game.  Now my body has become very flexible and I have improved my stamina.  My movements have become easy and my body is much more flexible now.  I can even run up steps without panting.  My cholesterol and blood sugar levels are much lower than before.  So this is something healthy that I enjoy doing.

Part 3

Keeping fit and healthy

What do most people do to keep fit your country?
Most people, in my country do some kind of manual labour and that keeps them fit.  They don’t need any other exercise.  The farmers work in the field and there are a lot of people who work in constructions and similar manual jobs.  The middleclass white collar workers and the rich people are also very health conscious and do regular exercises like jogging, walking in the morning or playing some games. There are some people who work out in gyms to keep themselves fit.

The most common exercise, that people in my country do, to keep themselves fit, is to go for a walk.  If you get up early in the morning and look at the streets, especially in cities, you can see a lot of people walking by the side of the road.  There are also a lot of evening walkers as well.  Some jog or cycle or do some exercise or play some games.  There are a lot of people who visit gyms to be fit.  Yoga is another popular exercise that people are interested in.

How important is it for people to do some regular physical exercise?
It is extremely important for people to engage in some kind of regular exercise, especially after 30 or 35.  Otherwise we will be prone to common lifestyle diseases like, high blood sugar or blood pressure.  Heart ailments are very common among people who have no physical exercise.  Regular exercise can give your body a lot of immunity against such diseases.  It can burn your extra fat that causes all these ailments.  So, regular exercise is essential for people to keep themselves fit.

Health and modern lifestyles

Why do some people think that modern lifestyles are not healthy?
See, people have a valid reason for thinking so.  People today love comfort and luxury and they want to satisfy their appetites at any cost.  Rather than cooking at home, they love to eat out, at restaurants and fast food joints.  Fast food may be tasty but contains a lot of fat that is not good for health.  Previously people used to walk or engage in some kind of manual work.  That is not the case today.  Personal vehicles and modern devices have made their life easy and people have great aversion towards sweating their body.  This lifestyle naturally invites diseases.

Why do some people choose to lead unhealthy lives?
The simple answer is laziness.  Today many people do not have the discipline to lead a healthy life.  They love comfort and convenience in everything that they do.  In fact, they don’t realise that their comfort and luxury are going to end soon.  They need to face the reality sooner than later. 

Should individuals or governments be responsible for making people lifestyles healthy?
It is the individuals themselves who are responsible for making their lifestyles healthy.  It is one’s personal freedom to lead a healthy lifestyle.  Government has nothing to do with it.  No government can interfere into such personal affairs.  Government can’t ask people to eat this or that.  The only thing that government can do is to spread awareness about this issue.  Nothing more than that.

What could be done to encourage people to live in a healthy way?
The best way to encourage people to live in a healthy way is to spread awareness about the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle.  This can be done through the media like television and newspapers.  At an early age, children should be given education about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.  It should also be included in the curriculum.  Moreover, sports should be made compulsory in schools.  Another effective way is to give gym and sports facilities in factories and offices.  

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Cambridge book-6, Speaking Test-2 ( guitar )

For IELTS speaking part 1, remember to give short, simple answers. Answer the question with a full sentence and give a reason for your answer. Here are some example questions and answers about musical instruments (from Cambridge IELTS book 6):

1. Which musical instrument do you like listening to most? (Why?)
My favourite musical instrument to listen to is the guitar. I like the fact that there are different types of guitar, like classical, acoustic and electric. I love the variety of sounds a guitar can make.
2. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
I took some guitar lessons when I was younger and still have a guitar at home. I don't play it much nowadays. I wish I had more time to practise.
3. Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?
Yes, I think it's a great skill and it's really enjoyable to be able to play a musical instrument. All children should be given this opportunity.
4. How easy would it be to learn to play an instrument without a teacher?
It would probably be more difficult without a teacher. You need someone to show you what to do and correct your mistakes. You need a lot of discipline to teach yourself.

Part 2

Describe something healthy you enjoy doing

You should say:
What you do
Where you do it
Who you do it with
And explain why you think doing this is healthy.

Playing sports, cycling, exercising

I have been playing badminton for the last few years.  This is something that I really enjoy.  When I started I wasn’t a good player.  Over the years I have improved tremendously.  Every day I wait for the evening to play badminton. 

I play it in our college campus.  We have an indoor court and so the wind doesn’t disturb our game. 

I play with my colleagues at work.  There are about 6 to 8 people who play regularly and if you don’t reach the court in time, you don’t get to play the first game.  After a game is over, usually the losers have to give chance to the other players, who wait outside. 

I think this has definitely kept me fit.  I have lost about 6 kilos in the last 2 years, just because I play this game.  I have no other exercise and I don’t need any.  I can eat anything I like and I can burn my extra calories in the game.  Now my body has become very flexible and I have improved my stamina.  My movements have become easy and my body is much more flexible now.  I can even run up steps without panting.  My cholesterol and blood sugar levels are much lower than before.  So this is something healthy that I enjoy doing.

Part 3

Keeping fit and healthy

What do most people do to keep fit your country?
Most people, in my country do some kind of manual labour and that keeps them fit.  They don’t need any other exercise.  The farmers work in the field and there are a lot of people who work in constructions and similar manual jobs.  The middleclass white collar workers and the rich people are also very health conscious and do regular exercises like jogging, walking in the morning or playing some games. There are some people who work out in gyms to keep themselves fit.

The most common exercise, that people in my country do, to keep themselves fit, is to go for a walk.  If you get up early in the morning and look at the streets, especially in cities, you can see a lot of people walking by the side of the road.  There are also a lot of evening walkers as well.  Some jog or cycle or do some exercise or play some games.  There are a lot of people who visit gyms to be fit.  Yoga is another popular exercise that people are interested in.

How important is it for people to do some regular physical exercise?
It is extremely important for people to engage in some kind of regular exercise, especially after 30 or 35.  Otherwise we will be prone to common lifestyle diseases like, high blood sugar or blood pressure.  Heart ailments are very common among people who have no physical exercise.  Regular exercise can give your body a lot of immunity against such diseases.  It can burn your extra fat that causes all these ailments.  So, regular exercise is essential for people to keep themselves fit.

Health and modern lifestyles

Why do some people think that modern lifestyles are not healthy?
See, people have a valid reason for thinking so.  People today love comfort and luxury and they want to satisfy their appetites at any cost.  Rather than cooking at home, they love to eat out, at restaurants and fast food joints.  Fast food may be tasty but contains a lot of fat that is not good for health.  Previously people used to walk or engage in some kind of manual work.  That is not the case today.  Personal vehicles and modern devices have made their life easy and people have great aversion towards sweating their body.  This lifestyle naturally invites diseases.

Why do some people choose to lead unhealthy lives?
The simple answer is laziness.  Today many people do not have the discipline to lead a healthy life.  They love comfort and convenience in everything that they do.  In fact, they don’t realise that their comfort and luxury are going to end soon.  They need to face the reality sooner than later. 

Should individuals or governments be responsible for making people lifestyles healthy?
It is the individuals themselves who are responsible for making their lifestyles healthy.  It is one’s personal freedom to lead a healthy lifestyle.  Government has nothing to do with it.  No government can interfere into such personal affairs.  Government can’t ask people to eat this or that.  The only thing that government can do is to spread awareness about this issue.  Nothing more than that.

What could be done to encourage people to live in a healthy way?
The best way to encourage people to live in a healthy way is to spread awareness about the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle.  This can be done through the media like television and newspapers.  At an early age, children should be given education about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.  It should also be included in the curriculum.  Moreover, sports should be made compulsory in schools.  Another effective way is to give gym and sports facilities in factories and offices.  

Category: 1 comments

Cambridge IELTS -- 6 , Test-- 1 Writing task _ 2

The Table below gives information about changes in modes of travel in England between 1985 and 2000. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparison where relevant.


The table reveals a set of statistical information regarding the sorts of changes of travel in England for 16 years from 1985 to 2000. In general, there are some variation trends unveiled throughout the figure of the information.

Turning to the detail, we can demonstrate that In 1985, the British traveled most of the path, measured the average distance in miles traveled per person per year, by car which was identical 3199 miles, followed by other, local bus, train and walking with 450, 429, 289 and 255 miles respectively. They used to travel by bicycle and long distance bus which constituted four-fold as much as taxi.

In the new millennium, it can be illustrated that the people of England still traveled the most path by car though its increased by 1607 miles. However, they went from one place to other by long distance bus which comprised three-times as much as bicycle and taxi. The rest of the items followed by other, train, local bus and walking respectively with 585, 366, 274 and 237 miles.

The overall trend shows a growth of all modes of travel in total over the defined period.

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