Advantages And Disadvantages Of Nuclear Family

The individual nuclear family is a universal social phenomenon. Duncan Mitchell in his ‘Dictionary of sociology has defined nuclear family as ‘A small group composed of husband and wife and immature children which constitutes a unit apart from the rest of the community.”
In simple words a nuclear family is one which consists of the husband wife and their unmarried children. Soon after marriage, the children leave their parental home and establish their separate household. Hence a nuclear family is an autonomous unit free from the control of the elders. Since there is physical distance between parents and their married children, there is minimum interdependence between them. Thus a nuclear family is mostly independent. Modern family is a typical example of nuclear family.

Advantage of Nuclear Family:

(1) Development of Personality:
Nuclear family plays an important role in the development of personality of individuals. Children are more close to the parents and can have more free and frank discussion about their problems with parents which helps for the better development of their personality.
(2) Better Condition of Women:
In nuclear families the condition of woman is better than joint families. She gets enough time to look after her children. She also gets time to plan and manage her house according to her own idea. There is no interference of elders. Her husband can also devote more attention to the wife in nuclear family.
(3) Less number of children:
Family planning programme becomes successful in nuclear families. The members of nuclear family have to plan and limit their family as they have to bear all the responsibilities and expenses themselves to rear their children. The children also are benefited in the long run as they inherit directly property from their parents.
(4) Peace and Harmony:
Peace and harmony are very much essential for a pleasant family life. In nuclear families there is no misunderstanding and they enjoy a harmonious atmosphere by living together.
(5) Individual Responsibilities:
In nuclear family there is no shifting of responsibility like in joint family. The parents are bound to take responsibility of their children by themselves. The head of family has to work hard to take care of his family.
(6) Problem Free Unit:
There is no chance of in-laws conflict. Financial problem does not arise in nuclear family. Money can be saved for future achievement and to face uncertain crisis of family. All enjoy independent life and can be engaged in any economic activities to supplement family income. The will and desires of children are considered and are given proper weight. All members of nuclear family are emotional secured. No superiority complex is felt by anybody. All are given equal weightage.


(1) Economic disadvantage:
The property of the family is divided among the brothers and each live separately. The land being subdivided does not yield much production resulting the land as an uneconomic holding. On the other hand one has to employ other labours to achieve the desired goal due to limited size of family. In this way the economic loss is more in nuclear family by paying remuneration to the labourers.
(2) Insecurity of Children:
In nuclear family both husband and wife adopt profession outside the family, then children are neglected and looked after by the servants. They feel lonely and emotional insecure. They develop more anxiety. If the bread winner dies or becomes incapable to en, there is no one to support the family. Even in time of emergency like sickness, accident or during pregnancy family members are very much neglected and there is no one to take care of them.
(3) Agency to Develop Bad Qualities of Inmates:
As it is an autonomous unit, it is free from the social control of elders. So the children develop all sorts of bad qualities like theft, her and lead their lifestyle in indiscipline way. They become unsocial as they do not get opportunity to mix with other members of the family.
(4) Loneliness:
Feeling of loneliness is one of important drawbacks in nuclear family. After completion of household task, the housewife becomes alone at home. At the time of emergency one can get any help and support from any other.
(5) Insecure For Old, Widow and Divorce:
In nuclear family widowed, old and divorce fare very much neglected. No one in the family bothers to take care of them. Physically and psychologically they feel insecure. Above all in nuclear family children are socially, emotionally and educational maladjusted. There is a chance of family breakage in case of conflict between the compel. Still then everybody wants to go for a nuclear family in the modern society because of its advantages which certainly outnumber the disadvantages.
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Ain't is a contraction for am notis notare nothas not, and have not in the common English language vernacular. In some dialects ain't is also used as a contraction of do not,does not, and did not. The development of ain't for the various forms of to be notto have not, and to do not occurred independently, at different times. The usage of ain't for the forms of to be not was established by the mid-18th century, and for the forms of to have not by the early 19th century.
The usage of ain't is a perennial subject of controversy in EnglishAin't is commonly used by many speakers in oral or informal settings, especially in certain regions and dialects. Its usage is often highly stigmatized, and it may be used as a marker of socio-economic or regional status or education level. Its use is generally considered non-standard by dictionaries and style guides except when used for rhetorical effect, and it is rarely found in formal written works.


Ain't has several antecedents in English, corresponding to the various forms of to be not and to have not that ain't contracts. The development of ain't for to be not and to have not is a diachronic coincidence;[1] in other words, they were independent developments at different times.

Contractions of to be not[edit]

Amn't as a contraction of am not is known from 1618.[2] As the "mn" combination of two nasal consonants is disfavoured by many English speakers, the "m" of amn't began to be elided, reflected in writing with the new form an't.[3] Aren't as a contraction for are not first appeared in 1675.[4] In non-rhotic dialectsaren't lost its "r" sound, and began to be pronounced as an't.[5]
An't (sometimes a'n't) arose from am not and are not almost simultaneously. An't first appears in print in the work of English Restoration playwrights.[6] In 1695 an't was used as a contraction of "am not", in William Congreve's play Love for Love: "I can hear you farther off, I an't deaf".[7] But as early as 1696 Sir John Vanbrugh uses an't to mean "are not" in The Relapse: "Hark thee shoemaker! these shoes an't ugly, but they don't fit me".[8]
An't for is not may have developed independently from its use for am not and are notIsn't was sometimes written as in't or en't, which could have changed into an'tAn't for is not may also have filled a gap as an extension of the already-used conjugations for to be not.[6] Jonathan Swift used an't to mean is not in Letter 19 of his Journal to Stella(1710–13): It an't my fault, 'tis Patrick's fault; pray now don't blame Presto.[9]
An't with a long "a" sound began to be written as ain't, which first appears in writing in 1749.[10] By the time ain't appeared, an't was already being used for am notare not, andis not.[6] An't and ain't coexisted as written forms well into the nineteenth century—Charles Dickens used the terms interchangeably, as in Chapter 13, Book the Second of Little Dorrit (1857): "'I guessed it was you, Mr Pancks," said she, 'for it's quite your regular night; ain't it? ... An't it gratifying, Mr Pancks, though; really?'". In the English lawyer William Hickey's memoirs (1808–1810), ain't appears as a contraction of aren't; "thank God we're all alive, ain't we..."[11]

Contractions of to have not[edit]

Han't or ha'n't, an early contraction for has not and have not, developed from the elision of the "s" of has not and the "v" of have not.[6] Han't appeared in the work of English Restoration playwrights,[6] as in The Country Wife (1675) by William WycherleyGentlemen and Ladies, han't you all heard the late sad report / of poor Mr. Horner.[12] Much likean'than't was sometimes pronounced with a long "a", yielding hain't. With H-dropping, the "h" of han't or hain't gradually disappeared in most dialects, and became ain't.[6]
Ain't as a contraction for has not/have not first appeared in dictionaries in the 1830s, and appeared in 1819 in Niles' Weekly RegisterStrike! Why I ain't got nobody here to strike....[13] Charles Dickens likewise used ain't to mean haven't in Chapter 28 of Martin Chuzzlewit (1844): "You ain't got nothing to cry for, bless you! He's righter than a trivet!"[14]
Like with an'than't and ain't were found together late into the nineteenth century, as in Chapter 12 of Dickens' Our Mutual Friend: "'Well, have you finished?' asked the strange man. 'No,' said Riderhood, 'I ain't'....'You sir! You han't said what you want of me.'"[15]

Contractions of to do not[edit]

Ain't meaning didn't is widely considered a feature unique to African American Vernacular English,[16] although it can be found in some dialects of Caribbean English as well.[17] It may function not as a true variant of didn't, but as a creole-like tense-neutral negator (sometimes termed generic ain't).[16] Its origin may have been due to approximation when early African-Americans acquired English as a second language; it is also possible that early African-Americans inherited this variation from colonial European-Americans, and later kept the variation when it largely passed out of wider usage. Ain't is rarely attested for the present-tense constructions do not or does not.

Linguistic characteristics[edit]

Linguistically, ain't is formed by the same rule that English speakers use to form aren't and other contractions of auxiliary verbs.[3] Most linguists consider usage of ain't to be grammatical, as long as its users convey their intended meaning to their audience.[18] In other words, a sentence such as "She ain't got no sense" is grammatical because it generally follows a native speaker's word order, and because a native speaker would recognize the meaning of that sentence.[19] Linguists draw a distinction, however, between grammaticality and acceptability: what may be considered grammatical across all dialects may nevertheless be considered not acceptable in certain dialects or contexts.[20] The usage of ain't is socially unacceptable in some situations.[21]
Functionally, ain't has operated in part to plug what is known as the "amn't gap" – the anomalous situation in standard English whereby there are standard contractions for other forms of to be not (aren't for are not, and isn't for is not), but no standard contraction for am not. Historically, ain't has filled the gap where one might expect amn't, even in contexts where other uses of ain't were disfavored.[22] Standard dialects that regard ain't as non-standard often substitute aren't for am not in tag questions (e.g., "I'm doing okay, aren't I?"), while leaving the "amn't gap" open in declarative statements.[23]

Prescription and stigma[edit]

Ain't has been called "the most stigmatized word in the language,"[24] as well as "the most powerful social marker" in English.[25] It is a prominent example in English of ashibboleth – a word used to determine inclusion in, or exclusion from, a group.[24]
Historically, this was not the case. For most of its history, ain't was acceptable across many social and regional contexts. Throughout the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, ain't and its predecessors were part of normal usage for both educated and uneducated English speakers, and was found in the correspondence and fiction of, among others, Jonathan SwiftLord ByronHenry Fielding, and George Eliot.[26] For Victorian English novelists William Makepeace Thackeray and Anthony Trollope, the educated and upper classes in 19th century England could use ain't freely, but in familiar speech only.[27] Ain't continued to be used without restraint by many upper middle class speakers in southern England into the beginning of the 20th century.[28][29]
Ain't was a prominent target of early prescriptivist writers. In the 18th and early 19th centuries, some writers began to propound the need to establish a "pure" or "correct" form of English.[30] Contractions in general were disapproved of, but ain't and its variants were seen as particularly "vulgar."[24] This push for "correctness" was driven mainly by the middle class, which led to an incongruous situation in which non-standard constructions continued to be used by both lower and upper classes, but not by the middle class.[27][31]The reason for the strength of the prescription against ain't is not entirely clear.
The strong prescription against ain't in standard English has led to many misconceptions, often expressed jocularly (or ironically), as "ain't ain't a word" or "ain't ain't in the dictionary."[32] Ain't is listed in most dictionaries, including the Oxford Dictionary of English[33] and Merriam-Webster.[34] However, Oxford states "it does not form part of standard English and should never be used in formal or written contexts,"[33] and Merriam-Webster states it is "widely disapproved as non-standard and more common in the habitual speech of the less educated".[34]
Webster's Third New International Dictionary, published in 1961, went against then-standard practice when it included the following usage note in its entry on ain't: "though disapproved by many and more common in less educated speech, used orally in most parts of the U.S. by many cultivated speakers esp. in the phrase ain't I."[35] Many commentators disapproved of the dictionary's relatively permissive attitude toward the word, which was inspired, in part, by the belief of its editor, Philip Gove, that "distinctions of usage were elitist and artificial."[36]

Regional usage and dialects[edit]

From Mark Twain, Life on the Mississippi, 1883
Ain't is found throughout the English-speaking world across regions and classes,[37] and is among the most pervasive nonstandard terms in English.[38] It is one of two negation features (the other being the double negative) that are known to appear in all nonstandard English dialects.[39] Ain't is used throughout the United Kingdom, with its geographical distribution increasing over time.[40] It is also found throughout the United States, including in Appalachia, the South, New England, the Mid-Atlantic, and the Upper Midwest.[25] In its geographical ubiquity, ain't is to be contrasted with other folk usages such as y'all, which is confined to the South region of the United States.[41]
In England, ain't is generally considered a non-standard or illiterate usage, as it is used by speakers of a lower socio-economic class, or by educated people in an informal manner.[42] In the nineteenth century, ain't was often used by writers to denote regional dialects such as Cockney English.[43] Ain't is a non-standard feature commonly found in mainstream Australian English,[44] and in New Zealand, ain't is a feature of Maori-influenced English.[45] In American English, usage of ain't corresponds to a middle level of education,[42] although it is widely believed that its use establishes of lack of education or social standing in the speaker.[46]
The usage of ain't in the southern United States is distinctive, however, in the continued usage of the word by well-educated, cultivated speakers.[47] Ain't is in common usage of educated Southerners.[48] In the South, the use of ain't can be used as a marker to separate cultured speakers from those who lack confidence in their social standing and thus avoid its use entirely.[49]
An American propaganda poster from World War II, using ain't for rhetorical effect

Rhetorical and popular usage[edit]

Ain't can be used in both speech and writing to catch attention and to give emphasis, as in "Ain't that a crying shame," or "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary gives an example from film critic Richard Schickel: "the wackiness of movies, once so deliciously amusing, ain't funny anymore."[50] It can also be used deliberately for what The Oxford Dictionary of American Usage and Style describes as "tongue-in-cheek" or "reverse snobbery".[51] Star baseball pitcher Dizzy Dean, a member of the Baseball Hall of Fameand later a popular announcer, once said, "A lot of people who don't say ain't, ain't eatin'."[52]
Although ain't is seldom found in formal writing, it is frequently used in more informal written settings, such as popular song lyrics. In genres such as traditional country music, blues, rock n' roll, and hip-hop, lyrics often include nonstandard features such as ain't.[53] This is principally due to the use of such features as markers of "covert identity and prestige."[53]
Ain't is standard in some fixed phrases, such as "You ain't seen nothing yet".


"You Ain't Heard Nothing Yet", 1919

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Am I not? / Ain't I ?

Hello everybody.

I know that we can say "Are you not?" or "Aren't you?",
"Is he not?" or "Isn't he?", etc.

However, can we say "Ain't I?" instead of "Am I not?"
If not, what's the right way to say that?


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short form of am not, is not, are not, has not, or have not:

short form of am not, is not, are not, has not, or have not:He ain't going."Can I have a ​cigarette?" "I ain't got none ​left."
More examples
  • As my ​old ma used to say, you can't ​spend what you ain't got.
  • So he's a ​bit of an ​idiot, but he's still my ​bruv, ain't he?
  • I ain't done nothing ​wrong.
  • Lend me a ​fiver - I ain't got no ​money ​right now.
  • That ​sounds ​awful - Sinatra he ain't!
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