Describe a shopping center you often go to.............

You should say:
  •     Where is the shopping center
  •     How often do you go to the center
  •     Why do you often go to it and its characteristics and explain why do you go there often

Follow-up Questions:
  •     Will smaller shops survive in the current business system?
  •     What are the characteristics of shopping malls and smaller shops and their difference?
  •     What is the trend of future shopping centers?
  •     Talk about Internet shopping
Possible Answer:
The shopping center that I often go to and would like to talk about is (...tell a shopping center name from your city....). This is the largest shopping center of the city and is probably the most popular one. This shopping center is at the middle of the city and is 20 storied. You can find almost everything in this shopping center and the price and quality of the products make it a popular shopping mall where people from all classes come to shop. You name it and you can find it here; from grocery shop to 3d cinema, food court to play ground, gym and thousands of shopping shops are there. The market authority imposes a strict rule about the quality and price and that's why you can find products at a reasonable price here. The neat and clean environment, the rigid security, the arranged shops and shopping convenience are the main reasons I visit this shopping mall very often. There is a dedicated floor only for social gathering and there you can sit and talk to your friends as long as you like.

I go there almost 2-3 times in a months. If there are more shopping to do or before any festival I go there more than 2-3 times. I go there not only for shopping but also some times for social gathering, party, to have lunch or dinner or to watch a movie.

There are many positive reasons why this shopping center is popular among the visitors and shoppers including security, reasonable price, shopping convenience, position of the shopping center, and convenience of parking, open space and neat environments. The interior and exterior of the shopping mall is very attractive. In the front of the building you will find a large open space; like a big park or garden. You can seat there for a long and no one is going to ask you to go away!


Tips for Answering this Cue Card Topic: 

This cue card should be an easy one for you to talk about as you already know some shopping centers. Just visualize a shopping center you often go and tell the location of this shopping center, how you go to this shopping center, what you do there, what type of stores are available there and what products could be found there. You should also give a details of this shopping center like the type of building it is situated it, how many floors are there, what type of famous brand shops are there, the type of people go there, and why you go there.
Before you start talking about this cue card topic, take some notes on the above points and start talking. Taking notes on cue card topic and questions in the given one minute is important and you should take notes and write down the points before you start talking about it. The notes help you focus on these points and would help you talk about the topic without pause and mumbling.
For this cue card take the following notes and then start talking about this topic in details:
Name of the Shopping center: Example City Shopping Center. 
Where it is: Example: It is in the center of the city and beside the auditorium. 
How often I go there: I go this shopping center at least 2 times in a month. Sometimes I go there more often if I need to buy necessary things more often. Besides, I sometimes meet my friend at the food court of this shopping mall. 
Why I go there: The Shopping mall is situated in a convenient location and I can reach there easily. This shopping center has more than 500 stores and I can get almost everything I need to purchase from there. The prices are reasonable and good quality products could be found there. As a modern shopping center, it offers a comfortable and safe shopping experience and that's why I mostly go there. Finally, the food court is a good place for having foods and spending times with friends. I often go there to meet my friends as it is a convenient meeting location for us. 
Characteristics: It is a modern shopping center with tight security. The possibility of vandalism and bad occurrence is very low. The shops are arranged conveniently and the shopping center offers a good shopping environment. 
How I go there: I usually go there in my personal car/ I go there in public bus and it takes only 2 minutes to reach there. 

If you can answer this cue card you should also be able to answer the following cue cards: 

1. Describe a place where you often go. 
2. Describe one of your favourite places where you meet your friends. 
3. Talk about a public place where you often go. 
4. Describe a public place in your city/ hometown. 
5. Describe your favoutire dinning place. 
6. Talk about a popular place in your city. 
7. Describe a place where you often gather with your friends. 
8. Talk about a building or architecture. 
9. Talk about a shopping mall you often go for shopping. 
10. Describe a popular place near your home. 

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Describe your Favourite Shopping Mall

Describe your Favourite Shopping Mall  / A Shopping Mall you often visit

  • What's the name and location it
  • How often do you go there and what do you buy from there
  • What types of people usually go there
  • Describe the Shipping center and explain why you like it
Follow-up Questions:
What are some advantages and disadvantages of big shopping centre?
Tell me about some newly build shopping centre in your city.
Why supermarket are getting more popular now-a-days?
Possible Answer:
I am from Ho Chi Minh City and I like the Diamond Plaza shopping mall that I often visit. It is best known as the Diamond Plaza and is situated at 34 Le Duan Street, near the Notre Dame Cathedral. I visit this shopping mall almost twice in a month and sometimes more frequent than that.

People from nearby places and from the city are the most frequent visitors but it's not uncommon that tourists and shoppers from other cities come and shop from this shopping mall. This shopping center includes a 22 story building plus an adjacent 15 story building and offers a great shopping experience including restaurants, cafe, hospital, lounges, Cinema Theater. There is a helicopter pad on the roof of this mall and offers many other facilities.

The Diamond Plaza shopping mall hosts many renowned brands and offers distinctive shopping experience. You can find almost everything you need to shop from here. Many fashion fans find it as their prime place for shopping and the shopping environment is unmatched. One does not need to be rich to come and shop here as the goods offered suits the people from economic status.

The food court is something you would love about this shopping mall. There are more than hundreds of food shops that you can pick from and the game center attracts mostly the game lovers and teenagers. The movie theater of the Diamond Plaza is called Lotte Cinema and is in the 13th floor. With the most modern facility and safe environment this is an ideal shopping center for all types of shoppers.

I like this shopping mall mostly because of the quality products and good price offering. Apart from that the security, customer service and nice environment also attract me. Another reason that affects my shopping decision from this shopping mall is its distance from my living place. It takes only 15 minutes to reach there and this is one of the reasons I mostly decide to shop there.

Tips for Answering this Cue Card Topic:

This cue card topic should be an easy one for you to talk about as the listed questions gives you an advantage to talk about this cue card. First say the name of the Shopping mall (this can be an entire shopping complex or can be a shopping mall at a ground of a shopping complex). For instance, a shopping mall like M&L is a 15 stories building and this comprises more than 150 shops of different brands. Alternatively you can pick a brand shopping mall like Hallmark which is a single shopping store. Say the location of the building or mall in regards to the prominent landmarks of the area and give a rough estimation how you reach there.

About your visiting frequency to the shopping mall, you should mention how often you go there. Is it very frequent like 1-2 times a week or once in few months? Then mention the type of brands, products available there and mention what you usually purchase from there. Regarding the third question “what types of people usually go there”, you should mention the age group, economic and social status of the people who usually go there for shopping. Also mention if mostly female or male go there for shopping. The final two questions require the most attention of your answer which are “describe the shopping center” and “why you like it”. For the first one, give the details of the physical structure of the shopping mall, types of shops and products available there and give an overall description of the shopping complex.
For the final question you can mention following points to say the reasons of your liking the shopping center:

1.    The environment is nice and it’s not too much crowded.
2.    There are plenty of shops and products there and you usually get everything you need to purchase from a single place.
3.    The security of the shopping complex is good and you feel comfortable being there.
4.    This is situated in a convenient location and you can easily reach there for shopping.
5.    You often meet your friends and there is a floor dedicated for foods and social gathering.
6.    The movie theater of the shopping complex offers new and good movies and as a movie lover you often go there.
7.    The prices of the products in this shopping complex are reasonable.
8.    The shopping complex offers many variety of shops and you can always compare the prices before finally purchasing the products.

Similar Cue card topic:

1.    Describe a place you often go to.
2.    Describe a movie theatre
3.    Describe a place where you often meet your friends.
4.    Describe a place near your home.
5.    Describe a place in your town.

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10,000 hours of English

               10,000 hours of English – how do you teach yours?

students critical thinking 

Today, we feature a post from a guest blogger. Irina Lutsenko is a teacher of English from Saint Petersburg, Russia. Over her 10 years in the profession, Irina has taught teenagers, university students and adults. The courses she has taught include General English, Business English, IELTS preparation and TOEFL preparation. In this post, Irina explores how learning English can be much more than just following a course book, and how to fit ‘extra hours’ of English into the learning practice. 

Do your homework. That’s at least one hour per week. I love giving my students ‘enormous’ (in their words) homework. That’s at least one to two hours more. Add: three hours.
Start your day with a TED talk. These are short – 15 minutes on average, which gives you around two hours more per week if you start every day from listening to a TED talk. Add: two hours.
Read or listen to something in English on your way to work / school. Read a book if you go by metro or listen to an audio book if you go by car. Optimistically speaking, your way to work / school takes 30 minutes, multiply it by 2 and then by 5. Add: five hours.
Watch a series and/or a film in English. Most episodes of most series are only 20-30 minutes long. One episode each day multiplied by five working days gives you two and a half hours. At the weekend, watch a film. Add: four and a half hours.
Do some speaking. Find an English-speaking partner online, speak to your friends, join a Speaking Club. Add: one and a half hours.
Let’s throw in an additional hour for times when you check some vocabulary and/or make notes. Add: one hour.

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latest ielts essay band 8

latest ielts essay band 8: Modern technology has a great impact on our environment. Some say that people should adopt a simple lifestyle to solve this problem, while others argue that the technology itself should provide a solution.

Modern technology has a great impact on our environment. Some say that people should adopt a simple lifestyle to solve this problem, while others argue that the technology itself should provide a solution. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
          Today technology facilitates man with great luxury, comforts and services; however, its excessive usage has brought world to the fringe of destruction of environment. Some experts' belief of simple living with meaningful use of technology can lessen environmental problems until technology become eco-friendly.
          Nowadays, technology has been exploited by mankind abundantly which adverses badly on environment. E.g., released smoke of factories and vehicles has polluted atmosphere, chemicalized dumped water has reduced fertility of land. This can be reduced if some proper lifestyles can adopted; e.g., using public transportation more and setting up factories with proper recycling system of waste can relief up to some extent. Moreover, creating green atmosphere in surrounding can filter environment which helps us in getting fresh air and can stop land to get barren. 
          Nevertheless, technology can be utilized to solve this problem rather than accepting simple lifestyle. Because the way revolutionarily technology gets updated, sooner it might be available which would give complete stats about its hazardous impacts on environment. Moreover, researchers and scientists can engage more in invent alternate resource of energy used in technology which would be eco-friendly. E.g., many electronic giants make their consumer durables ozone friendly, same way car manufacturers have started making hybrid cars run on solar energy up to speed of sixty mile per hour. 
          Thus, technology should be utilized to find better technology which will be recyclable, eco-friendly and health friendly. However till that time of period, people should use technology where it barely needs otherwise unwanted consequences like radiation, drought, storm and many natural calamities will occur.

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IELTS Speaking test in the Philippines and India – November 2014

Our friends Afrooz and Afroza who took their IELTS exams in the Philippines and in India remembered the following Speaking questions:


- What is your full name?
Ans. I am Ethan Hunt

- Can I see your ID?
Ans. I'll like it, here it is

- Where are you from?
Ans. I am from Italy

- Do you work or study?
Ans. I am a working person

- Where do you live now?
Ans. I live in a Rome

- Can you describe your place?
Ans. Rome is the capital city of Italy and has cosmopolitan cultural diversity with great holiday destinations, millions of tourists use to come every year.

- Which part of the house do you like the most?
Ans. I like my own bedroom where I have all my tits and bits of my mood like play station, laptop, music system, a small library etc, and a bed where I feel cozy and  I slumber there peacefully

- What places in your hometown are special to you?
Ans. Let me be honest with you I like churches more to visit, because I feel more like to close to God, and feel great tranquil in my heart and soul, especially in Vatican city in st peter church

Cue Card

Describe a friend with a habit that you would like to develop. Please say
- Who is your friend?
- What habit does he/she have?
- Explain why you would like to develop it.

Ans.  Well, I would I like to talk about my friend John, who has been exceptional in sense of humour, that habit I would desperately want to develop. No doubt, its not easy to develop such habit, because its been considered a god gift, a kind of natural phenomenal talent. But even looking for adopting a some of bit. The way he easily pranks the jokes or fun from any earnest situation, his anecdotes are so amusing sometimes create boisterous laughter in public that makes us feel embarrassing. And due to this he is used to be welcomed by people at anywhere, deals the situation quite easily without getting panic. On the contrary, nobody can bear me more than half an hour or start suffocating because I am that kind of serious, studious always talking about serious affairs of the world. So indeed look forward to have such skills so I can make people laugh and they find me funny and enjoy my company for more than half an hour. lol...


- Do you think children develop habits quickly?
Ans. Yes, because they are very much observant and fast in mimicking others,and do perfectly without any guidance of screen play even.

-Do you think it is better to wait until they grow up to reinforce good habits?
Ans. No, not at all, the good habits can be developed easily when they are blank and unaware with world, and making them accustom to such habits would be good for them rather than reintroduce at later stage.

Let’s talk about older people’s habits.
-What are their popular habits?
Ans. attending library, criticizing youth about their lifestyle and so on.

- Is it possible to change their habits?
Ans. Well, it depends only on the person's will power, very few can succeed but can change.

- How hard is it?
Ans. a Herculean task or can say Achilles hill to climb, because habit is the thing that happens and remains in mind in subconscious even, so it takes time and requires patience and support even.
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